Influences of different drying modes on cut tobacco structure, rolling quality and mainstream smoke components of slim cigarette
摘要: 为研究干燥模式与细支烟加工的适配性,在保持其他加工工艺参数一致的条件下,分别采用恒温干燥模式、低温差分段变温干燥模式、中温差分段变温干燥模式、高温差分段变温干燥模式对烟丝进行处理,考查不同干燥模式对细支烟烟丝结构、卷制质量及主流烟气成分的影响.结果表明:与其他干燥模式相比,高温差分段变温模式干燥后的烟丝结构比例更适宜细支烟卷接加工;恒温干燥和高温差分段变温干燥模式下,细支烟单支重、吸阻、硬度及总通风率与设计值较为接近,且烟支卷制质量指标稳定性相对较好;中、高温差分段变温干燥模式下,细支烟焦油量、烟碱量与设计值的残差相对较小,CO量相对较低.综上,高温差分段变温干燥为细支烟加工适宜的干燥模式.Abstract: In order to study the suitability about drying mode and fine tobacco processing, constant temperaturedrying mode, low temperature difference, medium temperature difference and high temperature difference sectional drying modes were used to dry cut tobacco respectively under the same other processing conditions, and the effects of different drying modes on cut tobacco structure, rolling quality and mainstream smoke components of slim cigarette were explored. The results showed that, compared with other drying modes, the structure proportion of cut tobacco dried by high temperature difference sectional drying mode was more suitable for slim cigarette processing. Under the conditions of constant temperature and high temperature difference sectional drying modes, the cigarette weight, drawing resistance, hardness and total ventilation rate of the slim cigarette were close to the design value, and physical quality indexes of the slim cigarette was relatively stable. Under the medium and high temperature difference sectional drying mode, the difference of tar, nicotine between the actual value and the design value were relatively low, and CO content was relatively low. In conclusion, high temperature difference sectional drying mode was suitable to slim cigarette processing.
Key words:
- slim cigarette /
- drying mode /
- cut tobacco structure /
- rolling quality
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