LI Xiufang, ZHENG Zhiyi and JIANG Hao. Design of automatic cleaning device for non-slip belt conveyor in tobacco primary processing line[J]. Journal of Light Industry, 2021, 36(6): 86-90. doi: 10.12187/2021.06.010
LI Xiufang, ZHENG Zhiyi and JIANG Hao. Design of automatic cleaning device for non-slip belt conveyor in tobacco primary processing line[J]. Journal of Light Industry, 2021, 36(6): 86-90.
Design of automatic cleaning device for non-slip belt conveyor in tobacco primary processing line
1. Golden Leaf Production and Manufacturing Center, China Tobacco He'nan Industrial Co., Ltd., Zhengzhou 450016, China;
2. School of Management, Jilin University, Changchun 130022, China;
3. College of Electrical and Information Engineering, Zhengzhou University of Light Industry, Zhengzhou 450001, China
Received Date:
In order to solve the problems of the non-slip belt conveyor in the tobacco primary processing line of cigarette factory, such as the breeding of tobacco insects, the low efficiency of personnel cleaning, an automatic cleaning device for the non-slip belt conveyor was designed. The device was installed under the non-slip conveyor belt. In the automatic cleaning mode, its lifting mechanism controlled the brush lifting. High frequency and high pressure atomized water was used to clean the surface of the conveyor belt. The surface of the belt was blown dry with high pressure air. The application results showed that using this device to clean the non-slip belt conveyor could effectively control the tobacco insects, improve the internal quality of the product, reduce the number of cleaning personnel and safety hazards of the silk production line equipment, and improve the operation efficiency of the equipment.
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