CN 41-1437/TS  ISSN 2096-1553

Volume 38 Issue 6
December 2023
Article Contents
LI Yanhua, LI Li, TIAN Xiaoling, et al. Effect of bacteria-enzyme synergistic modified bran on qualities of recombinant whole wheat flour and its noodles[J]. Journal of Light Industry, 2023, 38(6): 18-27. doi: 10.12187/2023.06.003
Citation: LI Yanhua, LI Li, TIAN Xiaoling, et al. Effect of bacteria-enzyme synergistic modified bran on qualities of recombinant whole wheat flour and its noodles[J]. Journal of Light Industry, 2023, 38(6): 18-27. doi: 10.12187/2023.06.003 shu

Effect of bacteria-enzyme synergistic modified bran on qualities of recombinant whole wheat flour and its noodles

  • Received Date: 2023-08-08
    Accepted Date: 2023-10-12
  • In order to reduce the adverse effects of bran on whole wheat flour products, the bran was modified by cellulase and xylanase in cooperation with basidiomycetes, and then it was added back to wheat flour to prepare recombinant whole wheat flour and its noodles. The effects of bacteria-enzymes synergistic modified bran on the quality of recombinant whole wheat flour and its noodles were investigated by determining the powder properties, dynamic rheological properties, and mechanical, cooking, and textural properties of whole wheat noodles. The results showed that compared with the unmodified bran, the content of the components of the bran changed significantly after 5 days of synergistic modification. The content of insoluble dietary fiber (IDF) decreased by 20.5%, the content of protein increased by 16.1%, and the content of soluble arabinoxylan (WEAX) increased significantly by 442.6% (P<0.05). The quality index and stability time of recombinant whole wheat flour were significantly increased (P<0.05), and the dough viscoelasticity was increased. The cooking loss rate and breaking rate of whole wheat noodles were decreased, the breaking force and flexibility were increased, the hardness was significantly decreased, and the elasticity was significantly increased (P<0.05). In summary, the synergistic modification treatment of bacteria and enzymes improves the quality of recombinant whole wheat flour by degrading IDF in bran and increasing the content of soluble dietary fiber (SDF), thereby improving the quality of whole wheat noodles. Moreover, the quality of recombinant whole wheat flour and noodles fermented with bran for 5 days after enzymatic hydrolysis is better.
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