Design and application of cigarette conveying line clogging alarm device
摘要: 为减少卷烟条盒输送线因堵塞造成的残次品数量和堵塞停机时间,设计了卷烟条盒输送线堵塞报警控制装置.在动力头区域安装堵塞检测装置,通过PLC和变频器切换接口,并安装LED大屏幕,来实现快速定位报警设置,当堵塞发生时可及时报警,并准确指示堵塞点.采用该装置后,每次堵塞发生时的残品烟数量由原来的平均300条降低到10条以下,排除故障平均时间由原来的30 min缩短到5 min以内,提高了工作效率,降低了产品残次率.Abstract: To reduce the number of defective products and the downtime caused by the blockage of cigarette conveying line,the alarm control unit was designed to solve blockage of cigarette conveying line.The jam detection device in power head area was installed.By PLC and inverter switch interface, and installation of LED large screen,rapid locating alarm position was achieved. It would alarm timely and indicate jam accurately when congestion occured.The quantity of defective tobacco products could be controlled under ten compared to the previous situation when each congestion occured and the average time of troubleshooting was shortened from thirty minutes to less than five minutes after the device was adopted.The device could improve work efficiency and reduce the rate of defective products.
Key words:
- cigarette conveying line /
- plugging detector /
- positioning alarm display
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