A JPDV algorithm based on peer's RPV of JXTA network node
摘要: 针对基于JXTA平台的P2P网络底层网络拓扑失配,造成消息在网络传播过程中传输效率低下,网络资源浪费严重的问题,提出了一种基于JXTA网络节点集合点路由RPV表的时延统计向量(JPDV)算法.该算法中节点选择信誉度好、能力高的集合点作为界标节点,通过周期性对界标节点进行时延探测来构造时延统计向量并计算出距离值,然后与原逻辑邻居节点距离值比较,用距离值较小者更新节点路由表,使得在通信时选择距离自己较近的节点进行路径构造,从而提高与底层网络拓扑的匹配度.仿真实验结果表明,该算法可减少链接长度,提高检索效率,具有合理性和有效性.Abstract: In order to solve the P2P underlying network topology mismatch problem based on JXTA platform, which caused the lower transmission efficiency in the process of message transmission, severe waste of network resources, a statistical vector algorithm called JPDV (JXTA Rendezvous Peer-routing Algorithm Based on Delay Statistics Vector) based on the Peer's RPV (Rendezvous Peer-routing View) of JXTA was proposed. Node chose rendezvous with good creditworthiness and high capability as Landmarks node, and constructed delay statistics vector and got its distance by measured delay to Landmarks node, and then compared distance with old logical neighbor, modified its routing table with less distance. As the more near route path was chosen on communication to other peers, JPDV had better matching with the underlying network topology. Simulation experiment results showed that JPDV algorithm had the rationality and validity, which reduced the length of the peer link and improved the retrieval efficiency.
Key words:
- JXTA network /
- topology adaptation /
- rendezvous peer-routing view /
- JPDV algorithm
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