Dynamics characteristics and circuit simulation of a novel 3D chaotic system
摘要: 针对一个新的三维非线性混沌系统的数学微分模型,通过构建基于Matlab/Simulink的数值计算模型,研究了系统的Lyapunov指数和Lyapunov维数、Poincaré映射、初值敏感性时序图等主要动力学特性;基于Multisim搭建了该系统的模拟自激振荡电路.仿真结果表明,具体参数下的电路实验结果与数值计算具有一致性,证实了系统混沌吸引子的存在和物理上的可实现性.Abstract: Some of the dynamic characteristics of a novel three dimensional nonlinear chaotic system were further investigated by numerical simulation based on Matlab/Simulink software,such as Lyapunov exponents and Lyapunov dimension, Poincaré mapping and initial sensitivity et al.And the realization of the circuit simulation of the system was given based on Multisim software.The experiments showed that the two methods were consistent, then confirmed that the chaotic attractor existed and the chaotic system could be realized.
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