Study on adsorption capacity of uranium tailings-based porous ceramisite for hydroquinone
摘要: 以无害处理的铀尾矿为主要原料,制备了一种新型环境功能材料——铀尾矿基多孔陶粒,并考察其对对苯二酚的吸附能力.结果表明,当pH=7时,铀尾矿基多孔陶粒对对苯二酚的吸附效果最好,去除率和吸附量分别为91.2%和4.56 mg/g;铀尾矿基多孔陶粒对对苯二酚的吸附过程中液膜扩散占据主导,用准一级动力学方程描述更为准确;Langmuir方程和Koble-Corrigan方程对吸附等温线的数据拟合度较高,铀尾矿基多孔陶粒吸附特性符合单层分子层定点位吸附,且属于非均匀的复合吸附体系;液膜扩散模型对铀尾矿基多孔陶粒吸附对苯二酚过程有较高的拟合度,其相关系数R2=0.847 8,速率常数k=0.041 7.Abstract: Taking uranium tailings treated to hazard-free as the main raw material,a new type of environment fuctional material-uranium tailings-based porous ceramisite was prepared.The adsorption capacity of uranium tailings porous ceramisite for hydroquinone were investigated.The results indicated that,the removal rate and adsorption capacity of uranium tailings-based porous ceramisite for hydroquinone uranium tailings were 91.2% and 4.56 mg/g respectively with a pH value of 7.During the adsorption of the uranium tailing-based porous ceramsite for hydroquinone,the liquid film diffusion dominated and was more accurately described by the pseudo-first-order kinetic equation.Data fitting degree of Langmuir equation and Koble-Corrigan equation of adsorption isotherm was higher.The adsorption properties of uranium tailings-based porous ceramsite were fixed at a fixed site by a single layer molecular layer, and it was a non-uniform composite adsorption system.The adsorption process of uranium tailings porous ceramisite for hydroquinone was a high fitting for the liquid film diffusion model.The R2 and k value were 0.847 8 and 0.041 7 respectively.
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