Crowdsourcing-based natural products database and knowledge discovery system
摘要: 针对目前天然产物数据库数据更新不及时、数据量不够大等问题,开发了基于众包的天然产物数据库及知识发现系统.该系统利用众包技术构建一个天然产物数据库,使用分子指纹对分子结构进行编码,并采用Tanimoto系数计算相似度实现天然产物和相关文献的检索,可以实时扩充,并为生物学家了解当前研究热点,确定进一步研究方向提供参考.Abstract: In view that the present natural products database data update was not in time, the data quantity was not big enough, the natural products database and knowledge discovery system was developed based on crowdsourcing.The system used the crowdsourcing technology to build a natural products database, used molecular fingerprint to encode molecular structure, and used the Tanimoto coefficient to calculate similarity to realize natural products and related literature retrieval,and could expand real-time for biologists to understand the current research hotspot and to offer reference to determine further research directions.
Key words:
- crowdsourcing /
- natural product database /
- knowledge discovery system
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