Effects of colloid mill processing on viscosity properties of fresh jujube pulp
摘要: 在不同胶体磨处理次数、不同枣浆浓度和不同温度的条件下,考察胶体磨处理对鲜枣浆黏度特性的影响,实验结果表明:鲜枣浆的果肉颗粒随胶体磨处理次数的增加而变小,鲜枣浆的黏度与果肉颗粒的尺寸有密切的关系;胶体磨处理对不同浓度鲜枣浆黏度的影响可以用方程η=K(C)A和η=Kexp(AC)来表示;胶体磨处理对不同温度鲜枣浆黏度的影响可用方程η=K0exp(Ea/RT)来表示.上述结果表明,胶体磨处理条件对控制鲜枣浆的黏度具有重要作用.Abstract: On the different condition of colloid processing times, concentration and temperature,the effect of colloid mill processing on the viscosity properties of fresh jujube pulp was studied. Results showed that grain size of pulp decreased with the increase of colloid processing times,viscosity of pulp had closely related with grain size.The influence of concentration on viscosity properties of fresh jujube pulp could be expressed as η=K(C)A and η=Kexp(AC). The influence of temperature on viscosity properties of fresh jujube pulp could be expressed as η=K0exp(Ea/RT).All these indicated that colloid mill processing condition had important role on viscosity properties of fresh jujube pulp.
Key words:
- fresh jujube pulp /
- colloid mill processing /
- viscosity
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