Interactive effect of organic Se, organic Zn and organic Cu on the concentration of Cu, Zn, Fe, Mn and Ca in breast muscles in broilers
摘要: 研究了日粮不同硒、锌和铜水平及互作效应对肉鸡胸肌中铜、锌、铁、钙、锰含量的影响.选用1日龄罗斯308肉仔鸡720只,随机分为9个处理组.在玉米-豆粕型日粮基础上添加不同水平的蛋氨酸硒、甘氨酸锌和甘氨酸铜,以饲喂基础日粮组为对照组,试验期7周.结果表明:1)日粮不同硒水平对前中期胸肌铜含量的影响显著,对中期胸肌锌含量影响极显著,对后期胸肌铁含量影响显著,对前中后期胸肌钙含量影响不显著,对前期胸肌锰含量影响显著;2)日粮不同锌水平对前中后期胸肌铜含量影响显著,对中期胸肌锌含量影响极显著,对中期胸肌铁含量影响显著,对前期胸肌锰含量影响显著,对前中后期胸肌钙含量影响不显著;3)日粮不同铜水平对前中期胸肌铜、锌含量的影响显著,对后期胸肌锰含量影响显著,对前中后期胸肌铁、钙含量影响不显著;4)硒、锌和铜的交互作用对前中后期胸肌铜、锌、锰含量影响显著,特别是中期胸肌铜、锌含量影响极显著,对中后期胸肌铁含量影响显著,对中期胸肌钙含量影响显著.Abstract: In order to study the interactive effect of additive of Se/Zn/Cu on the concentration of copper,zinc,iron,manganese and calcium in breast muscles in broilers,the experiment was conducted using a total of 720 four-week-old Rose 308 broilers to investigate the effects of adding methionine-Se,Glycine-Zn and Glycine-Cu to corn soybean diets on growth and slaughter performance in broilers and their interaction.Broilers were randomly divided into 9 treatments.The basal diet was used as control group,and the experiment lasted for seven weeks.The results showed:1)different level of Se had significant effect on Cu concentration from 0 to 5 weeks,Zn concentration from 3 to 5 weeks and Fe concentration from 5 to 7 weeks in breast muscles of broilers,but no significant effect on Ca concentration from 0 to 7 weeks.It has significant greatly effect on Mn concentration from 0 to 3 weeks.2)different level of Zn had significant greatly effect on Cu concentration from 0 to 7 weeks,Zn concentration from 3 to 5 weeks,Fe concentration from 3 to 5 weeks and Mn concentration from 0 to 3 weeks,but no significant effect on Ca concentration from 0 to 7 weeks.It has significant greatly effect on Zn concentration from 3 to 5 weeks.3)different level of Cu had significant greatly effect on Cu and Zn concentration from 0 to 5 weeks and Mn concentration from 5 to 7 weeks,but no significant effect on Fe and Ca concentration from 0 to 7 weeks.4)interaction of Se,Zn and Cu had significant greatly effect on Cu,Zn and Mn concentration from 0 to 7 weeks,Fe concentration from 3 to 7 weeks and Ca concentration from 3 to 5 weeks in breast muscles of broilers.
Key words:
- Se /
- Cu /
- Zn /
- breast muscle in broilers /
- Cu concentration /
- Zn concentration /
- Fe concentration /
- Mn concentration /
- Ca concentration
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