Research progress in the application of biological preservatives in poultry preservation
摘要: 在分类概述植物源、动物源、微生物源和酶类4种生物保鲜剂的基础上,对生物保鲜剂的复合及与其他保鲜技术的结合应用进行梳理,指出:植物源性生物保鲜剂最常见,但其化学成分较复杂,抑菌浓度难以控制;动物源性生物保鲜剂抑菌效果好,但成本较高、提取率普遍较低,需与其他保鲜剂协同发挥作用;微生物源性生物保鲜剂安全高效,但抗菌谱较窄;酶类生物保鲜剂保鲜效果好,但抗菌谱窄、提取困难、生产成本高;将保鲜效果良好的生物保鲜剂复合使用,或与冷藏保鲜、气调包装等技术相结合,可获得更好的保鲜效果.未来在寻找来源丰富、价格低廉的天然生物保鲜剂的同时,需进一步完善天然生物保鲜剂的技术标准体系,借鉴国际最新相关规范和研究进展,加强对保鲜机理的研究,探索和设计更高效的生物保鲜技术,以期为禽肉制品的产业化生产提供保障.Abstract: Based on the classification and overview of the four biological preservatives of plant orgin, animal origin, microbial origin and enzymes, the combined application of the technology of biological preservatives and other preservation technology were combed. It was pointed out that plant origin biological preservatives were the most common, but their chemical composition was complicated and their inhibitory concentration was difficult to control. The animal origin biological preservatives had good antibacterial effects, but the cost was high and extraction rate was low, mainly through synergistic effect with other preservatives. The biological preservatives derived from microorganisms were safe and efficient, but they showed a narrow antimicrobial spectrum. The enzymatic biological preservatives had good preservation effect, but had narrow antimicrobia spectrum, difficult extraction and high cost. Better preservation effect could be obtained by compound biological preservatives with refrigerated preservation and air-conditioned packaging preservation. In view of this, while looking for abundant sources of inexpensive natural biological preservatives, it is necessary to improve the technical standard system of natural biological preservative, drawing lessons from the international latest research progress and related specification, to strengthen the research of preservation mechanism, to explore and design more efficient biological preservation technology, so as to provide security for poultry products of industrialization production.
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