An intuitionistic fuzzy multiple attribute group decision making method based on projection method
摘要: 在直觉模糊环境下提出了一种基于投影法和加权记分函数的多属性群决策方法.在该方法中,根据各个决策在理想决策上的投影确定各专家的权重,将群决策问题转化为决策问题,利用加权记分函数确定各属性权重进而得到最优方案.通过具体实例说明了该算法的有效性和可行性.Abstract: A new multiple attribute group decision making method based on projection and weight score function under the intuitionistic environment was presented.In this method, according to the projection of the various decisions on the ideal decision, the weight of each expert can be obtained. Then the group decision making problem was converted to decision making problem.The weighted score function was used to determine the attribute weights and the optimal solution was given.An illustrative example was given to verify the developed method and demonstrate its practicality and effectiveness.
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