Mobile augmented reality system based on smart phone texts
摘要: 针对如何将文字识别技术应用到移动增强现实中的问题,将OCR识别技术与增强现实技术相结合,开发了基于手机文本的移动增强现实的原型系统.系统尝试了在智能移动终端上实现真实场景与虚拟增强信息的融合显示,利用快速、稳定的文字识别技术实现文字特征的识别,将二叉树与链表相结合精炼文本的关键信息,并在智能手机显示端叠加相应的增强信息.经实验验证,该方法能在智能终端上实时地对文本进行增强显示,不依赖服务器、易于携带、通用性高.Abstract: Aiming at the application of the text recognition technology to the mobile augmented reality,a prototype system based on the mobile augmented reality of the smart phone was developed,which combined the OCR technology with the augmented reality technology.This system tried to achieve the integrated display of real scene and virtual enhancing information on the smart mobile devices.It can identify the text features using the fast,stable character recognition technology,refine the key information about the text using the combination of binary tree and lists,and superimpose the enhancing information correspondingly in the smart phone.The experiment results showed that the proposed method could achieve real-time enhancement according to the displaying text in the smart phone,and was not dependent on servers,easy to carry,versatile to play.
Key words:
- augmented reality /
- optical character recognition /
- smart phone /
- text recognition
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