Automatic generation of object-oriented test case based on GATS algorithm
摘要: 在遗传算法的基础上,引入禁忌搜索算法,提出了一种面向对象测试用例自动生成的方法.该方法设计了一种新的类对象编码方式,并在此基础上构造了类测试用例自动生成所需的适应度函数,使每-个测试用例在局部区域中再次寻找最优值,从而改进整体算法搜索最佳值的能力.实验结果表明,该方法结合遗传群体优化和禁忌搜索较强的爬山能力,能够实现快速全局优化,自动生成高质量的测试用例.Abstract: Based on genetic algorithm and introducing tabu search algorithm,a method which is test cases automatically generating for an object-oriented class was proposed.The method designs a new code of class object and constructs the fitness function for the test cases automatically generating of class objects required. Each test case in the local area finds the optimal value again, therefore the ability of search for the best value of overall algorithm was improved.The experiment results showed that by this algorithm,the combination of optimization of genetic groups and tabu search strong climbing ability quickly realized the global optimization and generate high-quality test cases.
Key words:
- object-oriented test case /
- genetic algorithm(GA) /
- tabu search(TS)
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