Preparation and physicochemical properties of pH-sensitivity intelligent packaging films
摘要: 以桑葚、紫苏叶、葡萄皮和玫瑰花为原料,依次采用超声辅助醇提法、流延干燥法提取植物色素并制备pH敏感型智能包装薄膜,对其理化特性、抗氧化活性及羊肉新鲜度智能指示效果进行研究。结果表明:负载不同色素的薄膜,其理化性质及抗氧化活性均有显著差异,其中,负载桑葚色素的薄膜(PVA-CS-MMP)和负载葡萄皮色素的薄膜(PVA-CS-GPP)适用性更强、结构稳定性较高;负载紫苏色素的薄膜(PVA-CS-PLP)拉伸强度为21.18 MPa,PVA-CS-MMP的断裂伸长率为243.83%,二者机械性能较好;PVA-CS-PLP具有较低的含水率和水溶性,分别为19.30%和20.10%;PVA-CS-GPP和PVA-CS-PLP对pH敏感性较强;PVA-CS-GPP和负载玫瑰花色素的薄膜(PVA-CS-RFP)抗氧化能力较强,其DPPH自由基清除率分别为89.67%和89.02%;PVA-CS-GPP对羊肉新鲜度的智能指示效果最佳,具有较好的应用前景。Abstract: With mulberries, purple perilla, grape skins and roses as raw materials, plant pigments were extracted by ultrasonic assisted alcohol extraction and flow-casting drying successively, and pH-sensitive intelligent indicator films were prepared. Their physical and chemical properties, antioxidant activity and intelligent indicator effect on the freshness of mutton were studied. The results showed that the physical and chemical properties and antioxidant activity of the films loaded with different pigments were significantly different. Among them, the film loaded with mulberry pigment (PVA-CS-MMP) and the film loaded with grape skin pigment (PVA-CS-GPP) had stronger applicability and higher structural stability.The tensile strength of PVA-CS-PLP and the elongation at break of PVA-CS-MMP were 21.18 MPa and 243.83% respectively. PVA-CS-PLP has low water content and water solubility, 19.30% and 20.10% respectively. PVA-CS-GPP and PVA-CS-PLP are sensitive to pH. PVA-CS-GPP and the film loaded with rose pigment (PVA-CS-RFP) had strong antioxidant capacity, the DPPH clearance rates were 89.67% and 89.02% respectively. PVA-CS-GPP was the best intelligent indicator for freshness of mutton and had a good application prospect.
Key words:
- plant pigments /
- intelligent packaging film /
- pH-sensitivity /
- physicochemical property
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