Thermal weight loss behavior study of tobacco slices for heated tobacco product prepared by different processes
摘要: 为考查稠浆法、造纸喷粉法、造纸涂布法制备的加热卷烟烟草薄片的热释放规律及差异,采用热重分析法研究了这3种加热卷烟烟草薄片在不同氛围时的热失重行为。结果表明:在空气(Air)和氮气(N2)氛围下,3种烟草薄片均经历了水分蒸馏、物质挥发、裂解等多个失重阶段,其热失重行为整体相同;烟草薄片组分在温度达到370℃时可实现有效释放。在240~400℃温度范围内,不同氛围对各烟草薄片样品热失重过程的影响较大;Air氛围有助于提高烟草薄片的热失重速率,促进各阶段的失重温度向低温方向偏移,利于降低甘油、纤维素等物质的热挥发及热氧化降解难度。不同工艺烟草薄片的结构疏松性及物质组成不同,使得加热过程中失重温度区间、最大失重速率温度和质量损失均存在差异;组织结构疏松及外源性成分高均能促进样品热失重速率加快、质量损失增加。Abstract: In order to investigate the heat release law and difference of tobacco slices in heated tobacco product prepared by different processes, the thermal weight loss behavior in different atmospheres of three kinds of tobacco slices in heated tobacco product prepared by thick pulp method, papermaking powder spraying method and paper making method were studied by thermogravimetric analysis.The results showed that:the thermal weight loss behavior of the three kinds of tobacco slices were the same. They all experienced multiple weight loss stages such as water distillation, material volatilization and cracking in air and nitrogen atmosphere. When the heating temperature reached 370℃, the effective release of tobacco slice components could be realized. The influence of the different atmosphere on the thermogravimetric process of the tobacco slice samples mainly occurred in the heating temperature range of 240~400℃. Air atmosphere increased the thermal weight loss rate of tobacco slices, promoted the weight loss temperature at each stage to the direction of low temperature, and was conducive to reduce the difficulty of thermal volatilization and thermal oxidation degradation of glycerol, cellulose and other substances. The structure looseness and material composition of tobacco slices prepared by different processes were different, resulting in differences in weight loss temperature region, maximum weight loss rate temperature and mass loss during heating process. Loose tissue structure and high exogenous components could accelerate the rate of thermal weight loss and increase the mass loss of samples.
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