Investigation on the heat transfer and water condensation performance of copper tube radiant cooling panels
摘要: 为了提高辐射供冷板的供冷能力,改善板表面的结露特性,通过搭建辐射供冷系统结露和换热性能实验平台,采用可视化的研究方法,对不同冷水温度、管内流速和室内相对湿度等条件进行了研究.结果表明:冷水流量从40 L/h增加到120 L/h,供冷能力增大了将近1倍,结露时间提前了15 min;室内温度为26℃,相对湿度为75%时,结露出现时间最早为8 min;铜管辐射板与PPR毛细管模型相比,具有更强的供冷能力;供水温度越低,辐射板表面凝结的露珠存在的状态越紊乱,结露量也越多;冷水温度为8℃,室内环境温度为26℃,相对湿度为60%时,水珠在辐射板表面的最大尺寸为长9.6 mm,宽8.8 mm.Abstract: In order to improve the cooling capacity of radiant cooling plate and the performance of the plate surface condensation,different water temperature, tube velocity and indoor relative humidity conditions were used as experimental study variables with the method of visual research on the established radiant cooling condensation system and the test platform of the change of thermal performance. The results showed that when the water flow rate increases from 40 L/h to 120 L/h,the cooling capacity increased nearly doubled and condensation time was reduced by 15 min; The indoor temperature and humidity was 26℃,75%,the first condensation time was 8 min;the cooling capacity of copper plate was stronger compared with PPR capillary tube radiation model;The state of dew condensation on the surface of the radiation plate was more disorganized with lower water temperature and amount of condensation.When the indoor temperature and humidity was 26℃,60%,the maximum size of water drops the length was 9.6 mm,the width was 8.8 mm on the surface of the radiant panel.
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