Obstacle avoidance system based on single rotary ultrasonic sensor
摘要: 就自主移动机器人安全避障问题,设计了一种基于Sens600系列超声波传感器的一体式探测系统.该系统通过对机器人前方环境进行水平面多方位旋转扫描,并将采集到的测距数据剔除冗余、去伪存真,进而建立机器人前方环境模型,然后运用安全区域捕捉算法从多个候选转向区域中分析出最合适转向.仿真结果表明,该系统设计简单,成本较低,障碍物探测密度灵活可调,可为物体识别、地图构建提供有效信息.
- 避障 /
- 移动机器人 /
- 旋转扫描 /
- Sens600超声波传感器 /
- 安全区域捕捉算法
Abstract: Centering round obstacle avoidance problem,an evadible system based on the ultrasonic sensor Sens600 was presented.The system scans rotatedly back and forth in horizontal plane ahead of the robot,then builds and updates a histogram world model with the to-and-fro range information after data processing.The safe area capture (SAC) method was applied to compute the most suitable direction among all candidates,and the steering of the robot was aligned with that direction.The simulation results show that this system has the effectiveness of obstacle avoidance.This system has the features like simple design,low cost,adjustable scanning density,and can provide information for object recognition and map building.
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