Design and implementation of alcohol fermentation remote monitoring system based on ARM-Linux
摘要: 针对目前酒精发酵主要使用单片机进行实地监控,其功能落后、监控范围小、信息流通反馈不便等问题,设计了一个远程监控系统.该系统采用ARM平台和Linux操作系统实现pH值、温度等数据的采集和处理,并采用TCP/IP协议、依靠网络将酒精发酵设备数据向主机传送,同时支持远程客户通过Web方式对设备进行控制,从而实现对酒精发酵设备的远程监控.测试结果表明该方案拓宽了监控范围,具有良好的应用前景.Abstract: The current alcohol fermentation was supervisory controled mainly by using singlechip and had disadvantages such as backward function,small montioring range and inconvenient information circulation feedback.A remote manitoring system was designed.In this system,the data of pH value and temperature etc were collected and processed based on ARM platform and Linux operation system.The data were also transmitted from alcohol fermentation equipment to host machine using TCP/IP protocol,at the same time it supports remote client to control through the Web,so the remote monitoring was reached for alcohol fermentation equipment.The test results showed that the program broadens the scope of monitoring,and it has a good application prospect.
Key words:
- alcohol fermentation /
- ARM-Linux /
- remote monitoring system
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