Review of intelligent transportation system based on computer vision
摘要: 对计算机视觉在自主车、机器人定位、车辆检测、辅助驾驶、智能交通视频监控、行人检测以及人脸识别等方面的应用研究情况进行了综述,指出提高视觉传感器在恶劣天气情况下的检测和识别率,以及解决视觉传感器产生的大数据量和计算机视觉处理方法对大量计算资源的需求等问题在今后的研究中值得关注.Abstract: The application of computer vision in autonomous vehicles, robot localization, vehicle detection,driving assistance, intelligent traffic monitoring, human detection, face recognition, and so on was summarized. It pointed out that improving detection and recognition rate of visual sensor under bad weather conditions and solving the problems such as large amount of data processing produced by visual sensor,the need for a large amount of computing resources of computer vision method are the focus in the future research.
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