An image block encryption algorithm of wavelet domain based on hyperchaostic theory
摘要: 针对目前图像加密算法复杂性较高的问题,提出了一种新的小波域分块加密算法.该算法先将原始图像用小波函数进行多分辨率分解,并将分解后的低频系数进行分组,应用超混沌系统产生的加密模板,对分组的低频小波系数进行分块置乱;小波逆变换后,应用超混沌系统产生的伪随机系列与图像异或运算,实现了图像的加密变换.实验结果证明,加密后的图像已隐藏原始图像的灰度信息,且密钥空间大,安全性能高;此算法加密置乱后的图像具有良好抵抗统计攻击及差分攻击能力.Abstract: Aiming at the problem of high complexity of image encryption algorithm at present, a new wavelet domain block encryption method was proposed.First, the algorithm decomposed the original image into multiple different resolution images using DWT (discrete wavelet transform), and the low-frequency coefficients of the image were scrambled by the hyperchaotic system.After IDWT (inverse discrete wavelet transform), bitwise XOR was performed on the reconstructured image with a sequence generated using hyper-chaostic system.The experimental results verified that the grey information of the original image was hidden, this encrypting method had a large space of keys and high safety performance; and the scrambled image had good performance of the resisting statistic attack and differential cryptanalysis.
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