Detection and analysis of heterocyclic aromatic amines in halogen soups of market-derived stewed chicken legs
摘要: 采用超高效液相色谱串联质谱法、分两个批次对随机抽取的农贸市场3家个人摊点酱卤鸡腿老汤中10种杂环胺含量进行检测与分析.结果表明,酱卤鸡腿老汤中杂环胺总含量最高可达35.626 ng/g,共检出8种杂环胺,其中Harman和Norharman在3家老汤中均被检出,其含量占杂环胺总含量的41%~77%.鉴于此,建议生产方严格控制卤煮工艺,减少老汤使用次数.
- 酱卤鸡腿老汤 /
- 杂环胺 /
- 超高效液相色谱串联质谱
Abstract: Aimed to evaluate the contents of 10 heterocyclic aromatic amines (HAs) in two batches of halogen soups of stewed chicken legs randomly selected from three individual market stalls by using ultra high performance liquid chromatography tandem mass spectrometry (UPLC-MS/MS). The results showed that the total contents of detected 8 HAs in halogen soups of stewed chicken legs from three individual market stalls reached 35.626 ng/g. In that, both Harman and Norharman accounted for 41%~77% of the total HAs. Thus, it was imperative to recommend the producers to strictly control the stewing process and reduce the recycle numbers of halogen soups. -
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