Research on text processing model based on CNN and B-LSTM
摘要: 针对文本情感分类准确率不高的问题,在卷积神经网络CNN和栈式双向长短时记忆网络B-LSTM的基础上,提出了一种新的情感分析训练模型CNN-B-LSTM.该模型利用CNN的卷积操作对词向量进行处理,提取词向量的强度特征,再输入到B-LSTM中进行上层建模,对句子进行处理.结果表明:CNN-B-LSTM模型的情感分类准确率比CNN和B-LSTM模型更高,差错率大约分别降低了4%和1%,具有一定的效果优势.
- 文本情感分类 /
- 卷积神经网络 /
- 长短时记忆网络 /
- PaddlePaddle
Abstract: Aiming at the problem of low accuracy of text sentiment classification, CNN-B-LSTM, a new sentiment analysis training model based on CNN and B-LSTM was presented. The convolution operation processed the word vector to extract the intensity characteristics of the word vector, and then inputed it into the B-LSTM to perform the upper level modeling and used it to process the sentences.The results showed that the proposed CNN-B-LSTM model had higher sentiment classification accuracy,the error rates decreased by 4% and 1%,respectively.It was superior to B-LSTM and CNN models in sentiment classification.-
Key words:
- text sentiment classification /
- CNN /
- LSTM /
- PaddlePaddle
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