Effects of Calcium carbonate mesh on physical and smoke indexes of paper-process reconstituted tobacco
摘要: 在造纸法再造烟叶中加入不同目数的碳酸钙,做出片基与成品,测定其物理指标与常规烟气指标,分析片基与成品物理与常规烟气指标随碳酸钙目数增加的变化情况.结果表明,从物理指标看,随着填料目数的增加,片基与成品的抗张强度、耐破强度、填充值和平衡含水率整体上都呈增加的趋势,而松厚度呈下降趋势,但总体上碳酸钙目数对成品物理指标的影响没有对片基的影响显著;从常规烟气指标看,碳酸钙目数较高时,再造烟叶片基和成品CO含量、焦油含量、总粒相物含量较大,碳酸钙目数对成品常规烟气指标中水分、CO量/焦油量比、抽吸口数、烟气烟碱影响较小.如果考虑降低再造烟叶CO释放量,碳酸钙的目数不宜过高,以保持在600目以下为宜.Abstract: Four kinds of film base and product were producted by adding different mesh of Calcium carbonate in paper-process reconstituted tobacco, whose physical and smoke indexes were tested. As the change of physical and smoke indexes of film base and product with the increase of Calcium carbonate mesh was analyzed.The results showed that physical indexes including tensile strength, burst strength, filling value and equilibrium moisture content of film base and product all presented an increasing trend except the bulk index declined. Overall, the effect of Calcium carbonate mesh on physical indexes of paper-process reconstituted tobacco was more remarkable than the film base. The smoke indexes testing results showed a higher Calcium carbonate mesh would lead to higher carbon monoxide, tar and total particulate matter in paper-process reconstituted tobacco and film base smoke, the effect of Calcium carbonate mesh on moisture, CO/tar ratio, the number of puffs and nicotine content in product smoke was smaller. In order to decrease the carbon monoxide content in product smoke, the mesh of Calcium carbonate should be smaller. The appropriate mesh was under 600 mesh.
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