Experimental study on pretreatment to high sulfate and organic wastewater with method of anaerobic reverse-sulfide and precipitation
摘要: 在水解酸化反应器中经过四个阶段水力负荷提升,对最终接近实际废水水质条件(CODCr浓度为9 300 mg/L,当量有机硫化物浓度534 mg/L)的高硫有机废水进行了厌氧生化处理,获得了CODCr容积负荷为11 kg/(m3·d)的运行能力,硫化物对厌氧微生物的抑制浓度为400 mg/L,有机硫化物反硫化率达到80%,CODCr去除率达到54%.利用沉淀法去除硫化物,考察了沉淀剂加入量、搅拌速度、初始pH值对硫化物去除效果的影响,确定了除硫工艺条件为初始pH=7.5,n(Fe2+):n(S2-)=1.1的FeCl2·4H2O投加量,80 r/min的搅拌速度下搅拌30 min,此条件下硫化物去除率可达81%.Abstract: After four stages of the hydraulic loading being lifted,high sulfur and organic wastewater approached the actual water quality conditions(CODcr concentration=9 300 mg/L, equivalent organic sulfides concentration=534 mg/L)and was anaerobic biological treated through the hydrolysis acidification reactor.Finally,CODCr loading rate reached 11 kg/(m3·d) and obtained the conclusions of sulfide inhibition concentration 400 mg/L,organic sulfide reverse-sulfide rate reaching 80% and CODCr removal rate reaching 54%.In order to remove sulfides by process of precipitation respectively the effects of the amount of precipitation agent added, stirring speed and the initial pH on the removal of sulfides were investigated. Finally, the optimum conditions were determined as initial pH=7.5, FeCl2·4H2O adding amount of n(Fe2+):n(S2-)=1.1 and stirring speed of 80 r/min for 30 min with sulfide removal rate reached 81%.
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