Development and quality characteristics analysis of the Lentinus edodes-Stropharia rugosoannulata composite biscuits
摘要: 以低筋面粉和香菇-大球盖菇粉为主要原料制作香菇-大球盖菇复合饼干,以感官评分为指标进行单因素试验和Box-Behnken响应面试验确定最佳工艺配方,并研究该复合饼干的品质特性。结果表明:香菇-大球盖菇复合饼干的最佳工艺配方为香菇-大球盖菇粉添加量9.4 g/100 g,低筋面粉添加量90.6 g/100 g,在此基础上,黄油添加量32.5 g,白砂糖添加量30.6 g,水添加量22.5 g,食盐添加量0.8 g,小苏打添加量0.6 g,按此配方制作的香菇-大球盖菇复合饼干的感官评分为89.8分,菇味浓郁、口感酥脆,水分和碱度分别为2.82%和0.22 g/100 g(以Na2CO3计);香菇-大球盖菇粉的添加对复合饼干的质构特性无显著不良影响,但使其色泽偏暗;香菇-大球盖菇复合饼干的蛋白质、总膳食纤维和总酚含量分别为5.64 g/100 g、1.57 g/100 g和1.76 mg/g,均高于对照组,且抗氧化性能显著提升(P<0.05)。Abstract: Lentinus edodes-Stropharia rugosoannulata composite biscuits were produced with low-gluten flour and L.edodes-S.rugosoannulata powder as the main raw materials. The single factor test and Box-Behnken response surface test were carried out to determine the optimal process formula with sensory score as the index, and the quality characteristics of the composite biscuits were investigated. The results showed that the optimum formula of L.edodes-S.rugosoannulata composite biscuits was 9.4 g/100 g mushroom powder, 90.6 g/100 glow gluten flour, on this basis, 32.5 g butter, 30.6 g white sugar, 22.5 g water, 0.8 g salt and 0.6 g baking soda. The sensory score of composite biscuits optimized according to this formula reached 89.8 points, with rich mushroom flavor and crisp taste. The moisture and alkalinity were 2.82 % and 0.22 g/100 g (calculated as Na2CO3), respectively. The incorporation of L.edodes-S.rugosoannulata powder did not have a significant adverse impact on the textural properties of the composite biscuits. However, it resulted in a darker color of the composite biscuits. The contents of protein, dietary fiber and total phenol were 5.64 g/100 g, 1.57 g/100 g and 1.76 mg/g, respectively, which were higher than those of the control group, and the antioxidant capacity was significantly improved (P<0.05).
Key words:
- Lentinus edodes /
- Stropharia rugosoannulata /
- biscuit /
- process formula /
- quality characteristic
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