Overview and prospects of foreign tobacco resource utilization technologies on the extraction of active ingredients and utilisation of fiber materials
摘要: 针对烟草废弃生物资源多用途开发与利用的关键问题,从烟草活性成分提取、纤维材料利用方面对国外技术研发现状进行梳理,指出:烟草活性成分包括烟碱、茄尼醇、多酚、蛋白、四酰基蔗糖酯和烟草类活性成分(叶绿体、线粒体)等,其中,烟碱、绿原酸、茄尼醇含量和附加值均较高,且提取工艺较为简单,在农药、医药、烟草制品添加物等领域的市场空间较大,国外已广泛实现产业化运营; 纤维材料的利用包括动物饲料、纤维材料(纸张、纤维板、刨花板和硝化纤维)、低聚木糖和生物炭有机肥等,其中,制备生物炭有机肥、纸张和纤维板是其规模化利用的主要研究方向,技术较为成熟,但成本相对较高,目前国外已有产业化的初步探索。未来,在进一步推动烟草多用途利用新兴产业发展时,围绕新型烟草制品添加物、医药用途场景,烟碱、茄尼醇和烟草致香成分提取是重要研究方向;围绕饲料应用场景,烟草新品种培育是重要发展方向;围绕大农业应用场景,基于烟草废弃物的多功能耦合的生物炭有机肥是重要发展方向; 此外,在成本许可范围内,增强型纸张和纤维板未来也将是烟草废弃物多元化利用的重点研发方向之一。Abstract: Aiming at the key issues of the development and utilization of tobacco biological resources for non-cigarette manufacturing, the current status of foreign technology research and development is sorted out from the aspects of extraction of tobacco active substances and utilization of fiber materials, pointing out that: the active components of tobacco include nicotine, cannabinoid alcohol, polyphenols, proteins, tetraacyl sucrose esters and tobacco tissues (chloroplasts, mitochondria), etc.. Among these, the content and added value of nicotine, chlorogenic acid and cannabinoid alcohol are relatively high, and the extraction technology is more simple. These components have a significant market potential in the fields of pesticides, pharmaceuticals, and tobacco product additives, and have already been widely commercialized abroad. The utilization of fiber materials includes animal feed, fibrous material (paper, fiberboard, particleboard, nitrocellulose), oligosaccharides and biochar fertilizers. The primary directions for large-scale utilization of these materials are the production of biochar-based organic fertilizers, paper, and fiberboard, which are supported by relatively mature technologies. However, the cost associated with these processes remains relatively high, and there have been initial explorations into industrialization.. In the future, in order to further promote the development of the emerging industry of multi-purpose utilization of tobacco, in the scenario of novel tobacco product additives and pharmaceutical use, the extraction of nicotine, cannabinol and aroma-causing components of tobacco is an important research direction; in the scenario of feed application, the cultivation of new varieties of tobacco is an important direction of development; in the scenario of large-scale agricultural application, multi-functional coupling of organic fertilizer based on bio-carbon from tobacco waste resources is an important direction of development. In addition, within the scope of cost permitting, reinforced paper and fiberboard will also be one of the key R&D directions in the future.
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