Research on temperature variation of dry-type transformers based on thermal equivalent circuit model
摘要: 根据热电类比原理,建立了干式变压器的热等效电路模型.利用计算机仿真软件ATPDraw5.4对该热等效电路模型进行了计算机仿真,研究正常负荷变动、过载情况以及二次侧短路时干式变压器温度变化的规律.仿真结果表明:正常负荷变动或过载情况下,干式变压器温度按指数规律变化.负荷增加时,其温度呈指数曲线上升;负荷减小时,其温度按指数函数下降.当干式变压器的二次侧发生短路时,其温度则会依照幂函数曲线急剧上升.Abstract: Based on the principle of thermal-electrical analogy, a thermal equivalent circuit model of one dry-type transformer was built. The temperature variation of the dry-type transformer was studied through simulating the thermal equivalent circuit model by software ATPDraw5.4 when its load changed within the limits of rated load or overload, or it was shorted in secondary circuit.The simulation results showed that the temperatures of the dry-type transformer change in accordance with exponential functions when its load changes within the limits of rated load or overload, and increse rapidly and greatly in accordance with power functions when it is shorted in secondary circuit.
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