CN 41-1437/TS  ISSN 2096-1553

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LI Wenhan, LIU Ziyun, JIANG Yuqian, et al. Effect of ozone treatment on preservation of Hongdeng cherries[J]. Journal of Light Industry.
Citation: LI Wenhan, LIU Ziyun, JIANG Yuqian, et al. Effect of ozone treatment on preservation of Hongdeng cherries[J]. Journal of Light Industry. shu

Effect of ozone treatment on preservation of Hongdeng cherries

  • Corresponding author: JIANG Yuqian,
  • Received Date: 2024-02-29
    Accepted Date: 2024-08-05
    Available Online: 2025-02-18
  • Using commercially availableHongdeng cherries (nine ripe) as the research object, after three kinds of ozone treatment with low, medium and high mass concentrations, and analysed the changes of physicochemical indexes and ultrastructures during the period of low-temperature storage, explored the effects of ozone treatment on the preservation effect of Hongdeng cherries. The results showed that different mass concentrations of ozone treatment effectively improved the storage quality of Hongdeng cherries, slowed down the increasing trend of decay rate, reduced the accumulation of malondialdehyde (MDA), the accumulation of lipid peroxidation products in cell membranes, slowed down the decline of hardness, and increased the anthocyanin content and antioxidant enzyme activities during the storage period. In particular, compared with the control group, the ozone treatment with medium mass concentration (6. 39 mg / m3) at the end of storage reduced the decay rate by 76. 19 %, increased the hardness by 36. 46 %, maintained the delta EE) and MDA contents at 69. 45 and 6. 83 μmol /g FW, and promoted the increase of anthocyanin content to 0. 581 ΔOD /g and superoxide dismutase (SOD) activity to 69. 31 U / g. At the same time, it induced the stomatal narrowing of the Hongdeng cherries pericarp, effectively controlled the water loss of the fruit, and maintained the cellular tissue structure by delaying the cell wall degradation, which ultimately achieved the purpose of improving the storage quality of Hongdeng cherries, prolonging the supply period of the market, and improving the economic benefits.
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