Research on the technology conditions pectin extraction from citrus suavissina hort. et tanaka peel
摘要: 采用酸提取法,以产率和褐变指数为指标,采用单因素实验和正交试验综合考察各种因素对欧柑橘皮果胶提取的影响.结果表明,提取液的pH值对产率和褐变指数的影响最强,提取温度的影响其次,随后分别是固液比和提取时间.最优提取条件是:pH=1,固液比1:16,提取温度为80℃,提取时间90 min.此时果胶产率18.3%,褐变指数0.535.Abstract: In order to investigate the effects of various factors on the pectin extraction from citrus suavissina hort.et tanaka peel,single factor experiment and orthogonal experiment were applied to investigate the in-fluence of factors with acidic solution and to precipitate with alcohol and the product yield and browning index as indictor.The result showed that the affecting order of factors was as follows:pH first on yield and browning index,and then temperature,and lastly solid liquid ratio.The optimum condition of extraction pectin were pH=1,solid liquid ratio 1:16,temperature 80℃,time 90 min.At this condition,the product yield is 18.3%,browning index is 0.535.
Key words:
- citrus suavissina hort.et tanaka peel /
- pectin /
- browning index(BI)
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