Preparation and stability of ACE-inhibiting peptides from Wheat by ultrasonic-assisted enzymatic hydrolysis
摘要: 以酶解产物对血管紧张素转换酶(Angiotensin Converting Enzyme,ACE)的抑制率为主要评价指标,以谷朊粉的水解度为次要评价指标,通过单因素试验结合响应面法对其制备工艺进行优化,并研究其稳定性。结果表明:最佳酶解工艺条件为超声时间17 min、超声功率为300 W、酶解温度60 ℃、酶解时间2.7h、酶用量为4000 U/g、蛋白质质量分数5.1%,在此条件下,所制备小麦ACE抑制肽的抑制率是72.9%,水解度是17.1%,且具有较好的强酸和热稳定性,经体外模拟消化后仍能保持原来活力的79%。Abstract: The conversion rate of Angiotensin Converting Enzyme (ACE) by enzymatic hydrolysis products was the main index, and the degree of protein hydrolysis was the secondary index, and the preparation process conditions were optimized by single-factor experiment combined with response surface method, and its stability was studied. The results show that:the optimal enzymatic hydrolysis conditions were ultrasonic time of 17 min, ultrasonic power of 300 W, substrate concentration of 5.1%, enzymatic temperature of 60 ℃, enzymatic time of 2.7 h, ultrasonic time of 17 min, enzyme dosage of 4000 U/g, protein mass fraction of 5.1%. The inhibition rate of ACE inhibitory peptides prepared under these conditions was 72.9%, and the degree of hydrolysis is 17.1%. It has good acid and thermal stability, and can still maintain 79% of the original activity after simulated digestion in vitro.
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