Measurement of ammonia nitrogen concentration after sewage treatment based on HCPS multilayer perceptrons
摘要: 针对现污水处理后出水氨氮预测模型中隐含层神经元存在过大冗余而浪费资源的问题,提出了一种基于敏感度和互信息的混合增加删减的神经网络结构调整算法(HCPS).该算法重新定义了敏感度公式,利用敏感度和互信息自适应地调整网络结构,删除敏感度过低的隐含神经元,分裂过大的隐含层神经元,合并互信息过大的两个隐含层神经元.在污水处理基准仿真平台BSM1上的验证结果表明,HCPS算法可以获得更紧凑的网络结构,用于出水氨氮浓度预测精度较高.Abstract: In the existing prediction model of ammonia nitrogen in sewage treatment effluent, the hidden layer neurons excessively redundant, which wastes resources. A new structure adjustment algorithm (HCPS) based on sensitivity analysis (SA) and mutual information (MI) was proposed. The algorithm redefined the sensitivity formula, adaptively, adjusted the network structure by using sensitivity and mutual information, deleted hidden neurons with low sensitivity, divided hidden neurons with excessive sensitivity, and merged two hidden neurons with excessive mutual information. The results of verification on BSM1, a benchmark simulation platform for sewage treatment, showed that HCPS algorithm could obtain a more compact network structure, and the prediction accuracy of ammonia nitrogen concentration in effluent was higher.
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