Coding and applications of cigarette materials
摘要: 依据信息分类和信息编码的基本原则,采用线分类法将烟用材料分为大类和小类两级,采用四位层次码结构进行编码;按照EAN/UCC-13商品标识代码编码原则对烟用材料产品进行编码,即"厂商识别代码+商品项目代码+校验码"共13位阿拉伯数字组成;烟用材料物流单元代码采用"标记位+烟用材料产品代码+生产(包装)日期+质量、数量、顺序码+校验码"共30位阿拉伯数字组成.应用发现,烟用材料编码与卷烟产品代码和卷烟箱用条码协调一致,实现"信息共享、业务联动、交叉稽核、统一管理",提高了企业管理和服务的整体效能.Abstract: On the basis of basic principles of information classification and coding,cigarette materials were divided into two grades of kinds:big and small class by using method of linear classification,and coded with four places code structure.Cigarette materials product were coded according to the coding principles of EAN/UCC 13 identification code for commodity.This code consisted of 13 digits as manufacturer identification code plus item code plus check code.The logistic unit code of cigarette materials consisted of 30 di-gits as mark plus cigarette material product code plus production (packaging) date plus quality,quantity,order code plus check code.From applications,it was found that cigarette materials codes and cigarette pro-duct codes and cigarette carton bar code were in harmony it could realize information sharing,business linkage,cross audit and unified management it improved the overall efficiency of enterprise management and service.
Key words:
- cigarette materials /
- coding rule /
- product code /
- barcode label of logistic unit
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