Study on the transfer behavior of tobacco flavor in slim cigarettes with different flavoring methods
摘要: 以细支卷烟为研究对象,采用气相色谱-三重四极杆质谱联用(GC-MS/MS)法,分析烟丝加香、爆珠加香、香线加香、丝束加香4种加香方式下烟用香精抽吸前滤嘴分布和抽吸后转移情况。结果表明:1)30 d密封保存后,4种加香方式的烟丝与滤嘴中常用香精分布差异明显,烟丝加香方式下沸点较低的烟用香精迁移比例较大;2)爆珠、香线和丝束3种滤嘴加香方式下,烟用香精的主流烟气粒相转移率和滤嘴截留率均较为接近;烟丝加香方式下,烟用香精的主流烟气粒相转移率整体高于其他3种滤嘴加香方式,滤嘴截留率均低于其他3种滤嘴加香方式;对于高沸点烟用香精,烟丝加香与滤嘴加香的差异更加明显;3)爆珠加香方式下,烟用香精的逐口稳定性好于其他3种加香方式;烟丝加香方式下,烟用香精的逐口稳定性受沸点影响较大;丝束加香和香线加香方式下,烟用香精的逐口释放量随口数增加而升高。Abstract: To study the slim cigarettes with different flavoring methods (cut tobacco, breakable capsule, tow and cotton thread flavoring), a gas chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry (GC-MS/MS) method was established for analyzing the distribution and transfer of aroma components in slim cigarettes flavored by different methods. The results showed as follows: after storage in 30 days, the distribution of tobacco flavor compounds in cut filler and filters varied between different flavoring methods, and the transfer rates of tobacco flavor compounds with lower boiling points were higher in tobacco-flavored samples. For three filter flavoring methods (breakable capsule, tow and cotton thread flavoring), the transfer rates to particulate matter of mainstream smoke and the filter retention rates of tobacco flavor compounds were close. Compared to filter-flavored samples, the transfer rates in tobacco-flavored samples were higher, and the filter retention rates were lower. Moreover, the difference between tobacco-flavored and filter-flavored samples was more significant for tobacco flavor with high boiling point. In general, capsule flavoring possessed the best stability of puff-by-puff flavor release. By contrast, the puff-by-puff flavor release was influenced significantly by the boiling point of tobacco flavor compounds in tobacco-flavored samples, and the puff-by-puff flavor release increased with puff in tow-flavored and thread-flavored samples.
Key words:
- slim cigarettes /
- tobacco-flavored /
- filter-flavored /
- tobacco flavor /
- transfer behavior
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