Nutritional component analysis between Paracobitis anguillioide and Misgurnus anguillicaudatu
摘要: 对鳗鳅和泥鳅营养成分进行比较分析,结果表明:1)与肌肉相比,鳗鳅和泥鳅皮中水分含量显著降低(-13.03%,P<0.05;-10.30%,P<0.05),但蛋白含量明显增加(+54.22%,P<0.05;+9.60%,P<0.05),且两种鳅类之间差异显著(P<0.05).2)鳗鳅和泥鳅皮中胶原蛋白含量显著高于肌肉,其均值分别为61.76 mg/g和5.75 mg/g.3)两种鳅类氨基酸组成无明显差异.鳗鳅和泥鳅肌肉中第一限制性氨基酸均为缬氨酸,而皮中第一限制性氨基酸分别为苏氨酸和蛋氨酸+胱氨酸.4)鳗鳅和泥鳅肌肉中的脂肪含量显著高于皮中脂肪含量(P<0.05),且两种鳅类之间差异显著(P<0.05).5)鳗鳅和泥鳅肌肉中多不饱和脂肪酸,相对含量均显著高于皮中脂肪含量.6)鳗鳅和泥鳅肌肉中矿质含量最高的是K,分别达到2 687.36 mg/kg和1 750.49 mg/kg,而鳗鳅和泥鳅皮则富含Ca,分别高达4 091.83 mg/kg和5 948.43 mg/kg.Abstract: The nutritional composition between Paracobitis anguillioides and Misgurnus anguillicaudatus was compared. The results showed that the skin of Paracobitis anguillioides and Misgurnus anguillicaudatus contained lower water contents (-13.03%, P<0.05; -10.30%, P<0.05) but higher protein contents (+54.22%, P<0.05; +9.60%, P<0.05) when compared with those in muscle. Moreover, the skin of both Paracobitis anguillioides and Misgurnus anguillicaudatus possessed abundant levels of collagen when compared with those in muscle (61.76 mg/g vs. 5.75 mg/g). No evident differences in amino acid composition were obtained between Paracobitis anguillioides and Misgurnus anguillicaudatus. In addition, the first limiting amino acids in muscle of Paracobitis anguillioides and Misgurnus anguillicaudatus were valine, while the first limiting amino acids in skin were threonine and methionine+cystine, respectively. Higher contents of total fat and polyunsaturated fatty acids were found in muscle of Paracobitis anguillioides and Misgurnus anguillicaudatus than those in skin (P<0.05), revealing significant differences between Paracobitis anguillioides and Misgurnus anguillicaudatus (P<0.05). As for the minerals, the muscle of Paracobitis anguillioides and Misgurnus anguillicaudatus enriched in potassium, 2 687.36 mg/kg and 1 750.49 mg/kg, respectively. Nevertheless, the skins had abundant contents of calcium, up to 4 091.83 and 5 948.43mg/kg, respectively.
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