2012 Vol. 27, No. 4
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The mobile-robot path planning problem in static environment was studied.A approach based on artificial immune network to solve problems was presented and tested in Webots simulator.The method using dynamics of artificial immune network determined the main action of robot.In the experiment,antibody and antigen were simulated as the behavior of robot and environment.The task used an artificial immune network (AIN) to act as an independent behavior arbitration mechanism and hence provided effective and efficient task completion.Simulation experiments with the task phase demonstrated that it was effective for robot navigation in complex scenarios.A Webots simulator was used throughout the experiment.Results showed that high degree of autonomy,adaptability and flexibility could be achieved using this combined method.
At present,China's underground water pipe leak detection methods adopt the traditional passive detection method and listening method.These methods have some limitations such as low reliability.A rapid positioning system of underground pipeline leak point was designed.The system used correlation detection principle,and took advantage of high speed,low power DSP chips as a control and processing core.Furthermore data collection,keyboard and display circuit were designed.The test results showed that the system had high accuracy,low cost and power consumption.The detector was easy to operate.
In order to solve the problem that there are all kinds of interferences during the process of collecting ECG signal,according to the characteristics of multi scale and multi analysis based on the wavelet transform,the decomposing and rebuilding method was used for four scale-ECG signal filtering.The results showed that the method could filter 50 Hz interference,EMG interference and baseline drift.And it makes a good foundation for testing the QRS wave of ECG signal.
In order to improve forecast accurancy of impairment degree for valve regulated lead acid battery,a forecast model based on neural network with autonomic learning function was structured.The BP neural network was trained and learned using 192 different discharge degree data,then the real time collection data were forecasted and analyzed using trained BP neural network.The forecast accurancy is above 93%,which proves the forecast model's validity.
Through the experimental study of low shear wall of normal concrete,inner steel truss and inner truss models,it was proved that the cracking load and ultimate load had been increased in the low shear wall of inner steel truss and inner truss.The ultimate cracking load had increased 29.1% and 73.9% re-spectively and the ductility had increased 31.9% and 67.4% respectively than low shear wall of normal concrete.Furthermore,the good plastic deformation had been proved that existed in inner steel truss and inner truss models.Then a conclusion that it can be drawn an structure component with good properties.
To understand the tensile strength behavior of chlorine saline soil,the axial tensile test of chorine saline soil specimens were carried out,using chlorine soil of Luoyang loess disposed indoors as an object of study.The influence of dry density,initial water content,salt content on the tensile strength of chlorine saline soil were investigated.The test result indicated that the logarithmic relation between tensile stregth and water ratio under the same salt content and dry density are obtained;the tensile strength of samples increased with the increase of dry density;pulling stress decreased first and then increased with the increase of salt content when water content was less than 15%.The salt content of the inflexion was 8%.When the water content was more than 15%,the tensile strength decreased with the increase of salt content,while tension strain has an opposite changing law.With the increase of water content, the failure tensile stress decreased while the tension strain increased under the same salt content.
In order to study every changing temperature point of stop stage and fan operation stage and chil-ler operation stage,the hot tin copper constantan thermocouple was used to measure respectively the storage temperature,fruit product temperature,air cooler inlet and outlet temperature,cooling fan evaporator's temperature.These data were analyzed and the results showed that:fruit product temperature was almost constant at 1.8℃ at three phases.In fan operation stage,evaporator was still cold source.In chiller operation stage,the temperature difference of evaporator import and export increased,and the evaporator temperature dropped,which indicates good cooling effect.
A rotating machinery fault diagnosis method based on fusing vector power spectrum and D-S evidence theory was presented.The method was that two section information was fused respectively in data layer by vector power spectrum,and then the characteristics which were extracted from the vector power spectrum were input to the basis probabilistic neural network classifier for fault identification,and finally,the two-section diagnosis results were entered into D-S evidence theory for decision level fusion.The experi-ment results showed that the method reduces the diagnostic uncertainty and had high correct recognition rate.
Through a testing,the influence of different cooling load on EER and unbalance rate of refrigerating capacity in multi conneted air condition system was studied.Influence of pipe length and pipe connector spacing on performance of the unit was researched based on different cooling load.The results showed that the EER and refrigerating capacity was decreasing as the pipe length increased to 162 m and pipe connector spacing increased;the influence of pipe connector spacing on performance of multi connected air condition system was much larger than pipe length.
Dendrobium candidum polysaccharide was extracted by ultra high pressure extraction (UHPE) method.Based on single factor experiments,orthogonal test was used to optimize the extraction conditions.Pressure,holding time,size and ratio of solid to liquid (g:mL) were as 4 factors and the yield of dendrobium polysaccharide (DP) was as target.The optimum parameters for extracting DP were as follows:pressure 300 MPa,holding time 6 min,size 80 mesh and ratio of solid to liquid (g:mL) 1:20.The yield of DP was 19.27%.So UHPE was a suitable method for extraction of DP.
To study the gelatinization pressures of different kinds of starch at atmospheric temperature,eight different starches chosen as raw materials (5%(w/v),at (20±2)℃) by different pressure were treated for 5 min,then the relations between pressure and starch gelatinization were analysed by X ray diffraction.Wheat starch and tapioca starch,500 MPa;corn starch,water chestnut starch,waxy wheat starch and glutinous rice starch,550 MPa;waxy maize starch,650 MPa;potato starch,750 MPa.
In order to investigate the effects of various factors on the pectin extraction from citrus suavissina hort.et tanaka peel,single factor experiment and orthogonal experiment were applied to investigate the in-fluence of factors with acidic solution and to precipitate with alcohol and the product yield and browning index as indictor.The result showed that the affecting order of factors was as follows:pH first on yield and browning index,and then temperature,and lastly solid liquid ratio.The optimum condition of extraction pectin were pH=1,solid liquid ratio 1:16,temperature 80℃,time 90 min.At this condition,the product yield is 18.3%,browning index is 0.535.
The processing technology formula and condition for mung bean sprout fleshy beverage were studied.The results showed that the mung bean sprout was selected for growth 4-5 d and sterilized under 95℃ for 4 min;the best formula of mung-bean-sprouts beverge was the amount of 0.09% citric acid,7% sucrose,20% of the amount of mung-bean-juice;0.09% compound stabilizer (CMC-Na and agar 1:1),with 115℃ for 7 min sterilization.The taste of mung bean sprouts fleshy beverge is sweet,sour and fra-grant.
The application of threshold determination using gas chromatography olfactometry (GC-O) tech-nology for important active odor of food flavor compounds in wines,fruit,milk and other food industry were reviewed.It was pointed out the combination tradition methods with modern separation technology (such as SIDA),food processing technology and biotechnology etc have a move extensive application,threshold anal-ysis methods were beneficial to expanding more application field.
The research progress about the degradation pattern of carotenoid and the relationship between degradation mechanism with product were reviewed and summarized from physical degradation,chemical dgeradation and biodegradation.The biodegradation has a unique advantage,screening of microorganisms with high carotenoid degradation activity and application will become the focus of research in future.
The research progress on the pharmacology of catechins and its analogues was reviewed from remarkable pharmacological activities such as antioxidation,cardioprotection,anticancer effect,antibiosis,antiviral,anti inflammation,immunomodulation,neuroprotection,regulation of glucose and lipid metabolism and so on.It is indicated that catechins has the important medical care application value,future studies on catechins might focus on chiral resolutions and their interactions with metallic ions and proteins in vivo.
The effect of mobile phase and flow rate on the qualitative analysis of fructosazine with high performance liquid chromatography was investigated.The results showed that the effect of qualitative analysis was the best using acetonitrile and water as mobile phase (80:20,V/V)and flow rate 1.0 mL/min under condition as follows:Water Carbohydrate Analysis works as separation column,detection wavelength is 275 nm,and the volume of injection is 10μL.
The effects on the burley tobacco's growth and quality combination organic with inorganic fertil-izer were researched through investigating agronomic character and physiological indexes.The results showed that the agronomic character indexes of the tobacco plants using only inorganic fertilizer were significantly higher than that of the tobacco plants using organic fertilizer;the intrinstic chemical composition and every representative physiological indexes of the tobacco plants using both organic and inorganic fertilizer were also higher than that of the tobacco plants only using organic fertilizer or inorganic fertilizer.According to the results of this study,it was recommended organic fertilizer 500 kg per mu was used as basal,pure nitrogen 4 kg as additional fertilizer.
Using factorial design,the effect of annular cylinder dryer process parameter on the quality inde-xes of cut tobacco was investigated.The results showed that process parameters of cut tobacco drying have different effects on quality indexes of cut tobacco.Standard deviation of moisture mainly affected by hot-moisture exhaust opening;standard deviation of temperature mainly affected by hot air temperature and hot air moisture exhaust opening;fill value mainly affected by cylinder wall temperature;structure mainly affected by HT steam pressure.Cylinder wall temperature,hot air temperature,HT steam pressure can be selected optimization factors according to different product features to set range.The hot air moisture exhaust opening is suggested as cut tobacco moisture control parameters to be used to control the stability of cut tobacco moisture in the normal production process.
The feature of drying kinetices of five burely tobacco were studied with an online device of heat-ing-moisture treatment for analyzing,based on investigating the effects of temperature and relative humidity of medium on drying process,it was simulated using modified Fick's model.The results showed that the effective diffusion coefficient De value increases gradually with the temperature when humidity is 0.11 kg/kg,drying temperature is within 100~160℃,the De value reduces as humidity rises gradually when temperature is 130℃,dry air humidity is 0.05~0.23 kg/kg.
To investigate the effects of different temperature on tobacco flavor refraction index,8 different samples were tested.Temperature was changed from 10℃ to 30℃ when the refraction indexes were determined.The linear equations came out from data processing and analysis,at same time the measured value were compared with conversion value.The results showed that temperature had obvious linear negative correlation with refractive index.The effects of temperature on refractive index were much different for different samples.The effects on flavor with relative density lower than 1 were larger than that of flavor with relative density higher than 1.
On the basis of basic principles of information classification and coding,cigarette materials were divided into two grades of kinds:big and small class by using method of linear classification,and coded with four places code structure.Cigarette materials product were coded according to the coding principles of EAN/UCC 13 identification code for commodity.This code consisted of 13 digits as manufacturer identification code plus item code plus check code.The logistic unit code of cigarette materials consisted of 30 di-gits as mark plus cigarette material product code plus production (packaging) date plus quality,quantity,order code plus check code.From applications,it was found that cigarette materials codes and cigarette pro-duct codes and cigarette carton bar code were in harmony it could realize information sharing,business linkage,cross audit and unified management it improved the overall efficiency of enterprise management and service.
Aiming at the problem of the guaranteed cost control of delay neautral fuzzy switched systems,the system gradual stability sufficient condition and the switching law design scheme are given with linear matrix inequality (LMI) by using the Lyapunov stability theory.
A delay SIR pulse vaccination model with saturation incidence was studied.The periodic infec-tion free solution of the epidemic model by using stroboscopic map was obtained.Further,using floquet theorem and comparison theorem it was proved that the periodic infection free solution was globally attractive under appreciation conditions.In order to eradicate the disease by pulse vaccination,the maximum vaccination period max was shown.Theoretical results showed that pulse vaccination was more effective than conventional strategies in leading to disease eradication at relatively low values of vaccination.
Schedule risk factors of power projects are quantified by Baysian networks (BN) model.Results showed that five kinds of risk factors such as poor weather conditions,tight project schedule,low-skilled jobs,lack of equipment and not timely supplier will directly impact on project schedule.Factors including not timely supplier,low technical work ability,improper plan arrangement are sensitive to project schedule,which should be the focus of control.
The weighted moving average entropy method to evaluate decision making process of value investment was in-troduced.Five performance criteria according to Buffet proposed were used for measuring the growth potential of firms and were represented by weighted moving average numbers based on the real financial data from 2007 to 2009.This method was applied to rank the 20 selected stocks in Shanghai Stocks Exchange.The portfolio with the top 5 stocks was proven to have higher return rate than that the 10 selected stocks within the 19 month investment period.The empirical study showed the effectiveness of the weighted moving average entropy method in the decision making process of value investment and it was more simple and efficient than PROMETHEE method.
According to the index system of national excellent course evaluation,a mathematical model to evaluate different excellent courses was construted.In the course of the evaluation process,weight number of all valuation indices was determined using Fuzzy statistical methods,the score of each index was worked out by fuzzy operator and total score was calculated,which will turn fixed quality assessment to fixed quantity.This method not only overcomes the weakness of simplification and subjectivity during the process of the formerly evaluation but makes evaluation objective, just and reasonable,and more easy to be operated.

Founded in 1986, bimonthly
Administered by:The Education Department Henan Province
Sponsored by:Zhengzhou University of Light Industry
Editor-in-chief:Wei Shizhong
Executive Editor-in-Chief:Zou Lin
Deputy Editor-in-Chief:Qu Shuanghong
Edited & published by:Editorial Department of Journal of Light Industry
CN 41-1437/TS
ISSN 2096-1553
Address:136 Science Avenue, Zhengzhou City, Henan Province, China
Postal Code:450001