2022 Vol. 37, No. 3
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Based on the brief introduction of the concept and generation mode of atmospheric cold plasma (ACP), the research progress of the degradation of pesticides and mycotoxins in food products by ACP at domestic and international was reviewed in this article. As well, the degradation mechanisms of pesticides and mycotoxins by ACP and the influencing factors on the degradation effect were also summarized and analyzed. It was concluded that ACP could effectively degrade the pesticides and mycotoxins in foods, which is mainly due to the chemical bond breakage caused by the active species in ACP, causing the degradation of these substances. In addition, the ACP discharge types and treatment parameters, the gas characteristics and the properties of pesticides and mycotoxins affect the degradation effect of ACP on pesticides and mycotoxins. Therefore, the treatment parameters of ACP should be optimized in practical application to achieve the optimal degradation effect. Meanwhile, the future research direction of ACP is also prospected in the safety evaluation of degradation products and ACP equipments innovation to provide a theoretical reference for the application of ACP in the food industry.
Through graded salting out with ammonium sulfate and dialysis, esterases were extracted and purified from goose liver, chicken liver and pig liver respectively, then their structures were characterized, and their inhibition responses to carbaryl as a pesticide model were further investigated. Results showed that the yield of goose liver esterase was the highest (14.58%), and that of chicken liver esterase was the lowest (8.82%) with the best thermal stability, while the protein mass concentration of pig liver esterase was the highest (12.47 mg/mL); the protein molecular weights of all three kinds of animal liver esterases were 30~110 kDa with the leading one of 55 kDa, and that in chicken liver esterase was the highest (16.74%) while the lowest was in that of pig liver esterase (14.31%); these three kinds of animal liver esterases showed different sizes of protein particles with flake structures and smooth surfaces; in the carbaryl concentration range of 0.5~10.0 mg/L, the linear range (0.5~5.0 mg/L), the detection limit (0.29 mg/L) and IC50 (7.74 mg/L) of chicken liver esterase were the lowest, which could be used as a potential sensitive enzyme source for rapid detection of carbaryl.
At different storage conditions, the freshness of fish cake after storage was analyzed by sensory evaluation, volatile basic nitrogen (TVB-N) detection and electronic nose. Combining with principal component analysis (PCA), hierarchical cluster analysis (HCA), partial least square discriminant analysis (PLS-DA) and stepwise multiple linear regression analysis (Stepwise-MLR), freshness discriminant and predictionanalysis based on the electronic nose data were carried out.The research results show that the freshness of the fish cake samples was well distinguished at 4 ℃ and room temperature. Nitrogen oxide, sulfide and methane were the important indicatiors of freshness decrease. The correlation coefficients between measured and predicted TVB-N values based on stepwise-MLR were greater than 0.932 5. And the predicted root mean square errors of the prediction set samples were less than 1.22. It could be concluded that electronic nose combined with multivariate statistical analysis could provide a nondestructive, simple and rapid method for detecting the freshness of fish cake.
With mulberries, purple perilla, grape skins and roses as raw materials, plant pigments were extracted by ultrasonic assisted alcohol extraction and flow-casting drying successively, and pH-sensitive intelligent indicator films were prepared. Their physical and chemical properties, antioxidant activity and intelligent indicator effect on the freshness of mutton were studied. The results showed that the physical and chemical properties and antioxidant activity of the films loaded with different pigments were significantly different. Among them, the film loaded with mulberry pigment (PVA-CS-MMP) and the film loaded with grape skin pigment (PVA-CS-GPP) had stronger applicability and higher structural stability.The tensile strength of PVA-CS-PLP and the elongation at break of PVA-CS-MMP were 21.18 MPa and 243.83% respectively. PVA-CS-PLP has low water content and water solubility, 19.30% and 20.10% respectively. PVA-CS-GPP and PVA-CS-PLP are sensitive to pH. PVA-CS-GPP and the film loaded with rose pigment (PVA-CS-RFP) had strong antioxidant capacity, the DPPH clearance rates were 89.67% and 89.02% respectively. PVA-CS-GPP was the best intelligent indicator for freshness of mutton and had a good application prospect.
Mung bean starch was modified by heat moisture treatment (HMT). The effects of HMT on the structural properties (crystalline and short-range ordered molecular structure) and physicochemical properties (thermodynamics, pasting and digestion properties) of samples with different moisture contents (15%, 20%, 25% and 30%) were studied. The results showed that the crystal type of mung bean starch was not changed by HMT, but the crystallinity and short-range ordered molecular structures decreased. With the increase of moisture content, the gelatinization, peak and termination temperature of mung bean starch increased, while the peak viscosity, final viscosity and setback decreased. These results showed that the thermal stability of starch was enhanced after HMT. Compared with the original mung bean starch, the content of resistant starch was significantly increased by HMT.
The wheat bran was passed through an 80-mesh sieve, and it was modified enzymatically with cellulase. The modification process conditions were optimized through single factor test and orthogonal test. The modified wheat bran was added to the flour and the farinographical property of the flour and the extensographical properties of the dough were explored. The results showed that the optimal process conditions for the enzymatic modification of wheat bran were cellulase addition 1.0%, reaction temperature 65 ℃, reaction time 4.0 h, and pH value 4.0. Under these conditions, the extraction rate of SDF was 12.59%. With the increase of modified wheat bran addition, the water absorption rate of the flour increased, the dough formation time and weakening degree increased slowly, the stabilization time、 extensibility and tensile area of the dough decreased, and the tensile resistance and tensile ratio showed a trend of first increasing and then decreasing. After waking 90 and 135 min, the tensile resistance and tensile ratio of the dough increased with the addition of modified wheat bran, reaching the highest values at 4% and 8%, respectively.
Morchella mushrooms are edible and medicinal mushrooms appreciated worldwide. Since 2012, the scale of morel artificial cultivation has been increasing year after year in China. However, the instability of morel cultivation has been frustrating morel farming. The industrial instability may be closely related to the imperfection of strain evaluation system of cultivating suitability and the resulted implication of poor quality and unstable spawns in practical cultivation. Compared with most mushrooms belonging to Basidiomycota, the ascomycetes of morels own special characteristics in species diversity, deletion of mating type genes, and rapid strain aging, which put forward special request for systematic detection of relevant characteristics in cultivated strains. Based on long-term fundamental research and practical experiences, an IMV evaluation system of cultivating suitability for productive strains of Morchella mushrooms, including identity recognition, detection of mating types and assay of vitality, was proposed in this paper. The technological necessity and the detailed procedure were sorted out. Given the application of the evaluation system in field cultivation in two seasons, the potential morel productive strains may be scientifically and systematically screened and assessed to confirm the use of suitable strains in cultivation, which will strengthen the stability of morel cultivation, and thus promote the sustainable and stable development of morel industry.
In order to investigate transfer behavior of six ester flavors in aerosol of heated tobacco products, puff-by-puff release of six ester compounds in the aerosols of heated tobacco products and the content in cut tobacco was measured using GC-MS at the addition levels of 0.01% and 0.05% respectively. The transfer rates of six ester flavors in the aerosols of heated tobacco products were analyzed. The results showed that with the increase of puff number, the puff-by-puff releases of six ester flavors in aerosol of heated tobacco products showed a trend of first increasing and then decreasing. And the maximum of puff-by-puff transfer release was mainly between the third and fifth puff. The puff-by-puff transfer rate of six ester flavors was 0.70%~8.06%, and the total transfer rate of six ester flavors was between 10.50% and 52.98%. There was a good linear positive correlation between the sum of puff-by-puff transfer rate and the puff number.
Slim cigarette samples with different filter parameters (filter ventilation and filter rod pressure drop) were prepared with 6.0Y/17000 tow, and the effects of filter parameters on its main physical and chemical indexes (cigarette draw resistance, nicotine filtration efficiency, tar release, nicotine release, CO release, mainstream smoke pH) and sensory quality were investigated. The results showed that the cigarettes draw resistance showed a positive correlation with filter rod pressure drop, and a negative correlation with filter ventilation, changing the same filter rod pressure drop, the change range of slim cigarette draw resistance was about 1/2 that of conventional cigarette, changing the same filter ventilation, the change range of slim cigarette draw resistance was about 1.7 times that of conventional cigarette. The filter efficiency of slim cigarette for nicotine had positive correlation with the filter rod pressure drop and the filter ventilation and the filtration efficiency of slim cigarette was lower than that of the conventional cigarettes. The deliveries of tar and nicotine had negative correlation with filter rod pressure drop and filter ventilation, and the influence of filter parameters on slim cigarette was lower than that of conventional cigarette.The unit tar release of CO in mainstream smoke of slim cigarette decreased with the increase of filter ventilation, while the unit tar release of nicotine increased with the increase of filter ventilation. The regression equations of cigarette draw resistance, nicotine filtration efficiency, tar, nicotine, CO and mainstream smoke pH and filter parameters were established respectively, and the prediction accuracy of the model was good. Cigarette sensory evaluation score decreased with the increase of filter rod pressure drop, and increased at first then decreased with the increase of filter ventilation, the sensory quality was the best for slim cigarettes with 40% filter ventilation.
The flavor component in the Cordyceps sinensis extract were analyzed by GC-MS, the pyrolysis products of the Cordyceps sinensis characteristic components including cordycepin acid and cordyceps polysaccharide were qualitatively and quantitatively analyzed by pyrolysis coupled with gas chromatography and mass spectrometry(Py-GC-MS). Aroma style and influence on the sensory quality of cigarette after adding Cordyceps sinensis extract were evaluated according to the sensory evaluation methods for Chinese-stylistic features. The results showed that Cordyceps sinensis extract mainly included butanedione, ethyl lactate, γ-Butyrolactone, butyl butyryl lactate, coconut aldehyde and other aroma components with creamy sweet flavor. Cordycepic acid and cordyceps polysaccharide could release small molecular dehydrated monosaccharides, small molecular aldehydes, ketones and other flavor substances which influenced the flavor characteristics on cigarette during pyrolysis; the proportion of dehydrated glucose, mannitol and d-alose was high accordingly with high pyrolysis temperature. The effect of Cordyceps sinensis extract on cigarette aroma style was mainly manifested that it could significantly improve creamy aroma and sweet aroma and add flue-cured tobacco aroma, freshness and fruity aroma. In terms of taste style, it could enhance the sweetness of cigarette; In terms of comfort characteristics, it could reduce oral irritation/tongue burning and oral residue, and increase smoking convergence, and reduce laryngeal dryness and nasal irritation; In terms of smoking characteristics, it could enhance the aroma, increase aroma richness, soften smoking, make the smoking more delicate and mellow, and cover up offensive taste.
In order to improve the accuracy of cut tobacco structure detection and cut tobacco component analysis, based on image recognition technology to thinning the contour of cut tobacco image, extract the skeleton of cut tobacco, get the length of cut tobacco, and establish a fitting model for the apparent total area and mass of cut tobacco and get cut tobacco structure (whole cut rate and broken cut rate). The method of the smallest inscribed circle was used to obtain the average width and width variance of the cut tobacco, the color variance of the cut tobacco profile on the Saturation (S) channel, and the color moment of the HSV color model, the Support Vector Machine (SVM) was used as the classifier to construct the tobacco component classification model of tobacco flakes, cut stem, and cut tobacco. The practical application results showed that the method based on image recognition could accurately count whole cut rate and broken cut rate and was faster and more effective than the quality-control shake method. Compared with the convolutional neural network method and the residual neural network method, the average relative error of the method for identifying tobacco flakes, cut stem, and cut tobacco was less than 5%, and the accuracy and feasibility were higher.
In order to explore and study the practical detection means of cut tobacco processing homogenization, the cut tobacco DNA mass concentration was used as the detection index of cut tobacco processing homogenization. The uniformity of the sample were evaluated through the results of routine chemical composition detection and sensory evaluation. The DNA mass concentration of different varieties and different repeated cut tobacco samples were measured to analyze the rationality of DNA mass concentration measurement for the detection of cut tobacco processing uniformity. The reasonable fluctuation range of cut tobacco DNA mass concentration was set and verified to realize the homogenization detection of cut tobacco processing. The results showed that using the mean value ±double standard deviation of DNA mass concentration as the reasonable fluctuation range of cut tobacco DNA mass concentration could achieve the purpose of homogenization detection of cut tobacco processing.
Thermogravimetric analysis was used to study the pyrolysis and combustion characteristics of stems with different morphology. And the differences of kinetic parameters in each weight loss stage of stem during the pyrolysis or combustion were compared and analyzed based on the Coats-Redfern method. The results showed that the color of the filamentous stem was darker when compared with the flaky stem. The micro-surface of filamentous stem presented a rough gully shaped irregular honeycomb structure and exhibited a good blending applicability with cut tobacco. The weight loss process of stems with different morphology under pyrolysis conditions could be divided into four main stages. Among these stages, the weight loss and corresponding weight loss rate of filamentous stem in the volatile loss stage were higher than those of flaky stem, indicating that it possessed a good volatile flavor component retention capacity. The comprehensive pyrolysis index of filamentous stem was 1.24×10-4 /(%·min-1·℃-2), which was higher than that of flaky stem. And this result showed a better pyrolysis characteristics of filamentous stem. The weight loss of different stems during the combustion process could also be mainly divided into four stages. Filamentous stem exhibited a higher comprehensive combustion characteristic index and lower combustion residual mass. The main weight loss stages during the thermal decomposition of different stems were mainly controlled by a 1.5-order chemical reaction model. Furthermore, the morphology had a significant effect on the kinetic parameters of the thermal degradation stages of the stem.
In order to study the relationships between shatter resistance index and physical characteristics of tobacco leaves, correlation analysis, factor analysis, and gray correlation analysis were carried out on the tobacco leaves shatter resistance index and physical characteristics index, and the tobacco leaves of different regions were grouped according to the analysis results. The result showed as follows: shatter resistance index of tobacco leaves was significantly positively correlated with tensile strength, elongation, recovery, and thickness, and significantly negatively correlated with brittleness, shear force, cohesion, elasticity, adhesion, and penetration. Fac-1 (determined by tensile strength, cohesion, elasticity, recovery, adhesion, penetration), Fac-2 (determined by shear force, thickness), Fac-3(determined by elongation, brittleness and hardness) and Fac-4 (determined by adhesion) common factors were extracted from 12 physical characteristics, and the cumulative contribution rate was 88.201%, the contribution rate of Fac-1 is significantly higher than the other three common factors, indicating that Fac-1 had the most significant impact. According to the contribution rate of the common factors and the factor score coefficient matrix, the comprehensive factor score model of the physical characteristics of tobacco leaf was established as F=0.46FFac-1+0.23FFac-2+0.20FFac-3+0.11FFac-4.Fac-3 had the greatest impact on the shatter resistance index of tobacco leaves, and Fac-4 had the least impact. According to cluster analysis, the tobacco leaves were divided into 4 categories, so that the comprehensive physical characteristics of the same category of tobacco leaves were closer, and the process parameters could be adjusted and processed into groups to reduce the breaking of tobacco leaves during processing.
Based on the application potentials of bio-synthetized gold/silver nanoparticles in the field of dermatology and daily chemical industry, this article reviewed the synthesis mechanism for bio-synthetized of gold/silver nanomaterials, functional characteristics of as-prepared nanomaterials for cosmetic applications, toxicological studies and their potential health risks. It indicated that biologically-derived organic matter or reducing coenzymes could be employed to prepare green gold/silver nanoparticles in or out of the cell of an organism; the bio-synthesized gold/silver nanoparticles could be efficiently used as antimicrobial, antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, sun protective in the cosmetic field; although numerous studies demonstrated that bio-synthesis strategy led to alleviated acute toxicity of gold/silver nanoparticles, their toxic effect spectrum was still unclear. More in-depth researches were further required for the full elucidation of biosynthesis mechanisms, establishment of multi-dimensional human safety/efficacy evaluation systems and targeted risk prediction models to further promote the security application and oriental development of biogenic nanoparticles in the cosmetic field.
In this research, a zebrafish stimulation model was established based on zebrafish embryonic behavior. The soothing effects of dipotassium glycyrrhizinate and baicalein were verified and compared with the traditional zebrafish inflammation model. Then, the soothing efficacy of five cosmetic raw materials including α-red myrrh alcohol, paeonol, asiaticoside, proantho cyanidins and 4-tert-butylcyclohexanol was selectively evaluated by this model. The results showed that compared with 4-butyl-resorcinol, sodium dodecyl sulfate was a more stable modeling agent. The zebrafish stimulation model constructed by SDS concentration of 500 μmol/L and 15 min on zebrafish embryos was used to evaluate the soothing effects of dipotassium glycyrrhizinate and baicalein, and the results were basically consistent with the zebrafish inflammation model. At high concentrations, α-red myrrh alcohol, paeonol, asiaticoside and proantho cyanidins showed significantly soothing efficacy in the zebrafish stimulation model.

Founded in 1986, bimonthly
Administered by:The Education Department Henan Province
Sponsored by:Zhengzhou University of Light Industry
Editor-in-chief:Wei Shizhong
Executive Editor-in-Chief:Zou Lin
Deputy Editor-in-Chief:Qu Shuanghong
Edited & published by:Editorial Department of Journal of Light Industry
CN 41-1437/TS
ISSN 2096-1553
Address:136 Science Avenue, Zhengzhou City, Henan Province, China
Postal Code:450001