• 食品加工与技术 • 粮油加工 • 食品贮藏与保鲜 • 食品营养与安全 • 食品发酵与酿造 • 生物工程(TS类应用基础研究) • 食品分析检测与溯源 • 食品成分提取与应用 • 生物质材料加工与应用 • 专题综述
杜秋, 唐辉, 孙军华, 等. 即食豆干加工过程中的细菌污染溯源[J]. 轻工学报, 2024, 39(2): 28-35.
DU Q, TANG H, SUN J H, et al. Traceability of bacterial contamination during the processing of ready-to-eat dried soybean curd[J]. Journal of Light Industry, 2024, 39(2): 28-35.
吴澄宇, 李迎秋. 韭花精油主成分对单增李斯特氏菌的抑菌活性和抑菌机理[J]. 轻工学报, 2024, 39(2): 36-42.
WU C Y, LI Y Q. Antibacterial activities and mechanisms of the major compositions of Allium tenuissimum flower essential oil against Listeria monocytogenes[J]. Journal of Light Industry, 2024, 39(2): 36-42.
姬艺琳, 陈文文, 董吉林, 等. 青稞全谷营养型挂面与市售挂面的营养组分及理化特性研究[J]. 轻工学报, 2023, 38(5): 51-58.
JI Y L, CHEN W W, DONG J L, et al. Nutrient components and physicochemical properties of barley whole-grain nutritive noodles and commercial noodles[J]. Journal of Light Industry, 2023, 38(5): 51-58.
杨文建, 许征莉, 姚丽, 等. 食源性活性肽调控巨噬细胞极化的研究进展[J]. 轻工学报, 2022, 37(6): 1-10.
YANG W J, XU Z L, YAO L, et al. Research progress in regulation of macrophage polarization by food-derived active peptides[J]. Journal of Light Industry, 2022, 37(6): 1-10.
赵祥忠, 高云龙, 徐梦豪, 等. 冰岛刺参生物活性成分及其功能活性研究进展[J]. 轻工学报, 2022, 37(6): 11-17.
ZHAO X Z, GAO Y L, XU M H, et al. Research progress on bioactive components and their functional activities of Cucumaria frondosa[J]. Journal of Light Industry, 2022, 37(6): 11-17.
冀晓龙, 王治雯, 潘飞兵, 等. 槟榔多糖对Caco-2细胞氧化损伤的保护作用[J]. 轻工学报, 2022, 37(6): 18-24.
JI X L, WANG Z W, PAN F B, et al. Protective effect of Areca catechu L.polysaccharide on Caco-2 cells oxidative injury[J]. Journal of Light Industry, 2022, 37(6): 18-24.
牛玉清, 赵岩, 于鑫淼, 等. 新疆管花肉苁蓉生物活性物质及产地差异分析[J]. 轻工学报, 2022, 37(6): 25-33.
NIU Y Q, ZHAO Y, YU X M, et al. Bioactive components and origin difference analysis of Cistanche tubulosa (Schrenk) Wight from different origins in Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region[J]. Journal of Light Industry, 2022, 37(6): 25-33.
王璐, 范伊琳, 王子朝, 等. Chaetomium globosum CGMCC 6882发酵所产黄酮类化合物对小鼠生长和肠道菌群的影响[J]. 轻工学报, 2022, 37(6): 34-41.
WANG L, FAN Y L, WANG Z C, et al. Effects of flavonoids produced by Chaetomium globosum CGMCC 6882 on the body weight and gut microbiota of mice[J]. Journal of Light Industry, 2022, 37(6): 34-41.
董师宇, 赵帅, 易俊洁, 等. 刺梨乙醇提取物对黄嘌呤氧化酶的抑制作用及分子作用机制[J]. 轻工学报, 2022, 37(6): 42-49.
DONG S Y, ZHAO S, YI J J, et al. Inhibitory effect and molecular mechanism of alcohol extract from Rosa roxburghii Tratt towards xanthine oxidase[J]. Journal of Light Industry, 2022, 37(6): 42-49.
沈芳铭, 尹淑涛, 赵冲. 安石榴苷对UVB诱导HaCaT细胞光损伤的保护作用[J]. 轻工学报, 2022, 37(6): 50-57.
SHEN F M, YIN S T, ZHAO C. Protective effect of punicalagin on UVB-induced photodamage in HaCaT cells[J]. Journal of Light Industry, 2022, 37(6): 50-57.
孙世东, 赵文红. 直链淀粉-番茄红素复合物的氧稳定性及降解动力学研究[J]. 轻工学报, 2022, 37(6): 68-77.
SUN S D, ZHAO W H. Oxygen stability and degradation kinetics of amylose-lycopene complexes[J]. Journal of Light Industry, 2022, 37(6): 68-77.
赵玲, 王善宇, 刘淇, 等. 野生与养殖许氏平鲉肌肉营养和风味对比分析[J]. 轻工学报, 2022, 37(5): 32-40.
ZHAO L, WANG S Y, LIU Q, et al. Comparative analysis of nutrition and flavor of muscle between wild and cultured Sebastes schlegeli[J]. Journal of Light Industry, 2022, 37(5): 32-40.
孙萍, 王梦曼, 王淑玲, 等. 娄地青霉和纳地青霉对发酵鸭肉制品理化特性和微观结构的影响[J]. 轻工学报, 2022, 37(4): 18-25.
SUN P, WANG M M, WANG S L, et al. Effect of fermentation with Enicilium roqueforti and Penicilium nalgiovense on physicochemical properties and microstructure of duck meat products[J]. Journal of Light Industry, 2022, 37(4): 18-25.
秦于思,程明,韦海涛,等.高F值寡肽的功能特性研究进展[J].轻工学报, 2021, 36(3): 28-35.
QIN Y S,CHENG M,WEI H T,et al.Research progress in functional characteristics of high Fisher ratio oligopeptides[J]. Journal of Light Industry, 2021, 36(3): 28-35.
王鹏, 张晶, 李岩, 等. 酸鲊鸡肉的食用品质研究[J]. 轻工学报, 2021, 36(2): 17-24.
WANG P, ZHANG J, LI Y, et al. Study on the edible quality of sour chicken[J]. Journal of Light Industry, 2021, 36(2): 17-24.
高超. 款冬叶黄酮的抗氧化活性研究[J]. 轻工学报, 2020, 35(2): 17-23.
GAO C. Research on the antioxidant activity of coltsfoot leaf flavonoid[J]. Journal of Light Industry, 2020, 35(2): 17-23.
傅宝尚, 敖晓林, 祁立波, 等. “佛跳墙”高汤熬制过程中的营养与风味变化[J]. 轻工学报, 2020, 35(1): 13-20.
FU B S, AO X L, QI L B, et al. Nutritional and flavor changes during the boiling process of “Fotiaoqiang” soup-stock[J]. Journal of Light Industry, 2020, 35(1): 13-20.