CN 41-1437/TS  ISSN 2096-1553


发布日期: 2022-01-27
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食品加工与技术    • 粮油加工     • 食品贮藏与保鲜     • 食品营养与安全     • 食品发酵与酿造     • 生物工程(TS类应用基础研究)     • 食品分析检测与溯源     • 食品成分提取与应用     • 生物质材料加工与应用    • 专题综述

张丽华, 刘世豪, 唐培鑫, 等. 杜仲叶多糖对植物乳杆菌CICC 20022胆盐耐受性的影响[J]. 轻工学报, 2024, 39(3): 1-8.
ZHANG L H, LIU S H, TANG P X, et al. Effect of Eucommia ulmoides Oliv.leaf polysaccharide on bile salt tolerance of Lactobacillus plantarum CICC 20022[J]. Journal of Light Industry, 2024, 39(3): 1-8.

张菡, 陈海军, 龙晓宇, 等. 1株甜菜糖蜜源高产胞外多糖明串珠菌的分离鉴定、发酵工艺优化及抗氧化活性研究[J]. 轻工学报, 2024, 39(3): 9-20.
ZHANG H, CHEN H J, LONG X Y, et al. Isolation and identification,fermentation process optimization and antioxidant activity of a high exopolysaccharides-producing Leuconostoc sp.from sugar beet molasses[J]. Journal of Light Industry, 2024, 39(3): 9-20.

宋丽丽, 霍姗浩, 胡冉冉, 等. 复合乳酸菌固态发酵对脱脂米糠理化性质、生物活性和功能特性的影响[J]. 轻工学报, 2024, 39(3): 21-28.
SONG L L, HUO S H, HU R R, et al. Effect of solid-state fermentation with compound lactic acid bacteria on the physicochemical properties, biological activities and functional characteristics of defatted rice bran[J]. Journal of Light Industry, 2024, 39(3): 21-28.

费永涛, 刘东杰, 罗子淳, 等. 植物乳杆菌R-1对发酵柠檬果汁风味和营养物质的影响[J]. 轻工学报, 2024, 39(3): 29-37,53.
FEI Y T, LIU D J, LUO Z C, et al. Effects of Lactobacillus plantarum R-1 on flavor and nutrient substances of fermented lemon juice[J]. Journal of Light Industry, 2024, 39(3): 29-37,53.

玛丽娜, 敖日格乐, 斯木吉德, 等. 酵母菌混合发酵乳清液及其乙醇发酵阶段工艺优化[J]. 轻工学报, 2024, 39(3): 38-45.
MALINA, AORIGELE, SIMUJIDE, et al. Parameters optimization of ethanol fermentation process in whey liquid fermented by combined yeasts[J]. Journal of Light Industry, 2024, 39(3): 38-45.

惠明, 郑桂朋, 田青, 等. 酿造业典型加工废弃物资源化利用研究进展[J]. 轻工学报, 2023, 38(5): 1-7.
HUI M, ZHENG G P, TIAN Q, et al. Research progress on resource utilization of typical brewing industry processing waste[J]. Journal of Light Industry, 2023, 38(5): 1-7.

马叶胜, 余苗, 王冕, 等. 茅台镇8家酒企高温大曲的群落结构及其空间特征[J]. 轻工学报, 2023, 38(5): 26-35.
MA Y S, YU M, WANG M, et al. Community structure and spatial characteristics of high-temperature Daqu in eight Baijiu companies in Maotai town[J]. Journal of Light Industry, 2023, 38(5): 26-35.

胡晓龙, 冯大鸿, 田瑞杰, 等. 中温大曲发酵过程中细菌群落结构解析及功能预测[J]. 轻工学报, 2023, 38(2): 23-32.
HU X L, FENG D H, TIAN R J, et al. Bacterial community structure analysis and functional prediction during fermentation of medium-temperature Daqu[J]. Journal of Light Industry, 2023, 38(2): 23-32.

刘延波, 魏蒙蒙, 王琳琳, 等. 包包曲和平板曲挥发性风味成分及真菌群落结构研究[J]. 轻工学报, 2022, 37(5): 12-23.
LIU Y B, WEI M M, WANG L L, et al. Study on the volatile flavor components and fungal community structure of bag Daqu and brick Daqu[J]. Journal of Light Industry, 2022, 37(5): 12-23.

刘琨毅, 王利妍, 安江珊, 等. 阿曲霉接菌发酵普洱茶的研究[J]. 轻工学报, 2022, 37(4): 1-9.
LIU K Y, WANG L Y, AN J S, et al. Research on the fermentation of Pu-erh tea through inoculation with Aspergillus amstelodami[J]. Journal of Light Industry, 2022, 37(4): 1-9.

张志平, 段乃心, 魏湘楠, 等. 基于光胁迫粘红酵母合成高值化类胡萝卜素发酵条件优化[J]. 轻工学报, 2022, 37(4): 10-17.
ZHANG Z P, DUAN N X, WEI X N, et al. Optimization of fermentation conditions for high value carotenoid synthesis by Rhodotorula glutinis under light stress[J]. Journal of Light Industry, 2022, 37(4): 10-17.

胡晓龙,田瑞杰,樊建辉,等. 浓香型白酒挥发性化合物香气贡献及其地域特征研究进展[ J]. 轻工学报,2022,37(2):1-14.
HU X L,TIAN R J,FAN J H,et al. Research progress on the aroma contribution and their regional characteristics of volatile compounds in Chinese strong-flavor Baijiu[J]. Journal of Light Industry,2022,37(2):1-14.

赵庭,姜琳,贾晶,等. 小麦啤酒上面啤酒酵母生成 4-乙烯基愈创木酚的条件优化及其发酵动力学模型构建[J]. 轻工学报,2022,37(2):15-22.
ZHAO T,JIANG L,JIA J,et al. Optimization of 4-vinylguaiacol production by Saccharomyces cerevisiae and fermentation kinetic model of wheat beer brewing[J]. Journal of Light Industry,2022,37(2):15-22.

田瑞杰,张勇,冯大鸿,等. 基于宏转录组学的浓香型白酒酒醅活性微生物群落空间异质性研究[J]. 轻工学报, 2022,37(1):1-11.
TIAN R J,ZHANG Y,FENG D H,et al. Study on spatial heterogeneity of active microbial community in strong-flavor Baijiu fermented grains based on metatranscriptome[J]. Journal of Light Industry, 2022,37(1):1-11.

胡晓龙,田瑞杰,张勇,等. 6 家河南酒企窖泥理化性质及其地域特征研究[J]. 轻工学报, 2021, 36(6): 1-8.
HU X L,TIAN R J,ZHANG Y,et al. Analysis of the physicochemical properties and their regional characteristicsof pit mud in six Baijiu production companies of He′nan province[J]. JOURNAL OF LIGHT INDUSTRY, 2021, 36(6): 1-8.

刘延波,王一菲,赵志军,等. 包包曲与平板曲理化指标及细菌群落结构研究[J].轻工学报,2021,36(6):9-20.
LIU Y B,WANG Y F,ZHAO Z J, et al. Study on the physicochemical indexes and bacterial community structure ofbag Daqu and brick Daqu[J]. JOURNAL OF LIGHT INDUSTRY, 2021, 36(6): 9-20.

许育民,冯大鸿,李秋雨,等.窖泥源可培养厌氧菌株挥发性代谢产物解析[J]. 轻工学报, 2021, 36(6): 21-29.
XU Y M,FENG D H,LI Q Y,et al. Analysis of volatile metabolites of cultivated anaerobic strains in pit mud[J]. JOURNAL OF LIGHT INDUSTRY, 2021, 36(6): 21-29.

邢胜利,宋丽丽,张志平,等. 高产纤维素酶的里氏木霉液态发酵培养基条件优化[J]. 轻工学报, 2022,37(1):20-25.
XING S L,SONG L L,ZHANG Z P,et al. Optimization of liquid-state fermentation medium conditions for high yield cellulase by Trichoderma reesei[J]. Journal of Light Industry, 2022,37(1):20-25.

苟万晓,范延超,胡元森,等.甲醇蛋白联产木聚糖酶发酵培养基优化[J]. 轻工学报, 2021, 36(4): 1-8.
GOU W X,FAN Y C,HU Y S,et al.Optimization of fermentation culture medium for methanol protein co-production xylanase[J]. Journal of Light Industry, 2021, 36(4): 1-8.

龙久铃,朱秋劲,白晶,等. 米曲霉固态发酵苏麻饼粕产抗氧化肽工艺优化[J]. 轻工学报, 2021, 36(4): 18-28.
LONG J L, ZHU Q J, BAI J, et al. Optimization of the process of producing antioxidant peptides from Aspergillus oryzae solid-state fermentation Perilla seed meal[J]. Journal of Light Industry, 2021, 36(4): 18-28.

张丽华,查蒙蒙,李顺峰,等. 益生菌发酵果蔬汁研究进展[J]. 轻工学报, 2021, 36(4): 29-36.
ZHANG L H, ZHA M M, LI S F, et al. Research progress on probiotic fermentation of fruit and vegetable juice[J]. Journal of Light Industry, 2021, 36(4): 29-36.

杜少平, 胡海艳, 甘祥武, 等. 重组毕赤酵母产β-甘露聚糖酶的高密度发酵研究[J]. 轻工学报, 2020, 35(4): 1-7.
DU S P, HU H Y, GAN X W, et al. Study on high-density fermentation of β-mannanase produced by constitutive Pichia pastoris[J]. Journal of Light Industry, 2020, 35(4): 1-7.

杨旭, 张志平, 王光路, 等. 脱脂米糠联产丁醇、植酸盐、米糠蛋白和米糠膳食纤维工艺的研究[J]. 轻工学报, 2020, 35(1): 21-27.
YANG X, ZHANG Z P, WANG G L, et al. Study on co-production of butanol,phytate,rice bran protein and rice bran dietary fiber with defatted rice bran[J]. Journal of Light Industry, 2020, 35(1): 21-27.