• 食品加工与技术 • 粮油加工 • 食品贮藏与保鲜 • 食品营养与安全 • 食品发酵与酿造 • 生物工程(TS类应用基础研究) • 食品分析检测与溯源 • 食品成分提取与应用 • 生物质材料加工与应用 • 专题综述
寇先勇, 吴燕, 王峣姿, 等. 5种中药粗多糖水凝胶的制备及其促伤口愈合能力研究[J]. 轻工学报, 2024, 39(2): 43-53.
KOU X Y, WU Y, WANG Y Z, et al. Preparation of crude polysaccharide hydrogels from five kinds of traditional Chinese medicines and their ability to promote wound healing[J]. Journal of Light Industry, 2024, 39(2): 43-53.
段宇莹, 席俊, 王一超, 等. 大豆球蛋白G3A1b抗原表位的预测及初步定位[J]. 轻工学报, 2023, 38(5): 42-50.
DUAN Y Y, XI J, WANG Y C, et al. Prediction and primary mapping of antigenic epitopes of glycinin G3A1b[J]. Journal of Light Industry, 2023, 38(5): 42-50.
王博华, 薛冬, 董闪闪, 等. 介质阻挡放电等离子体对单增李斯特菌的杀灭效果及作用机制研究[J]. 轻工学报, 2023, 38(3): 17-24,54.
WANG B H, XUE D, DONG S S,et al. Inactivation effect and mechanism of dielectric barrier discharge plasma against Listeria monocytogenes[J]. Journal of Light Industry, 2023, 38(3): 17-24,54.
梁楚容, 王琴, 马路凯, 等. 发酵多肽Asp-Asp-Asp-Tyr和Asp-Tyr-Asp-Asp的稳定性研究[J]. 轻工学报, 2023, 38(2): 48-55.
LIANG C R, WANG Q, MA L K, et al. Study on the stability of fermented polypeptides Asp-Asp-Asp-Tyr and Asp-Tyr-Asp-Asp[J]. Journal of Light Industry, 2023, 38(2): 48-55.
张晓霞, 陈胜玲, 朱枝群, 等. 代谢工程改造枯草芽孢杆菌促进L-赖氨酸高效合成研究[J]. 轻工学报, 2022, 37(5): 1-11.
ZHANG X X, CHEN S L, ZHU Z Q, et al. Metabolic engineering for improving the L-lysine production by Bacillus subtilis[J]. Journal of Light Industry, 2022, 37(5): 1-11.
张艺林, 刘静飞, 任梦梦, 等. 微高压CO2对Pseudomonas deceptionensis CM2的杀菌效应研究[J]. 轻工学报, 2022, 37(5): 24-31.
ZHANG Y L, LIU J F, REN M M, et al. The bactericidal effect of petit-high pressure CO2 on Pseudomonas deceptionensis CM2[J]. Journal of Light Industry, 2022, 37(5): 24-31.
樊志浩, 李玉林, 张恒, 等. 新型冠状病毒N蛋白的原核表达与纯化[J]. 轻工学报, 2022, 37(4): 34-40.
FAN Z H, LI Y L, ZHANG H, et al. Prokaryotic expression and purification of SARS-CoV-2 N protein[J]. Journal of Light Industry, 2022, 37(4): 34-40.
王君, 袁亚明, 江晶晶, 等. 动物肝酯酶对西维因的抑制响应[J]. 轻工学报, 2022, 37(3): 10-16.
WANG J, YUAN Y M, JIANG J J, et al. Inhibitory response to carbaryl of animal liver esterase[J]. Journal of Light Industry, 2022, 37(3): 10-16.
张靖楠,昌行行,张嘉祺,等. 微波辐射预处理菌源对生物暗发酵制氢的影响[J]. 轻工学报,2022,37(2):30-37.
ZHANG J N,CHANG H H,ZHANG J Q,et al. Effect of microwave irradiation pretreatment of microbial sources on the dark fermentative hydrogen production[J]. Journal of Light Industry,2022,37(2):30-37.
白燕,宋爽,朱蓓薇,等. NaCl 对吐温20 与海藻酸钠相互作用的影响[J]. 轻工学报, 2022,37(1):26-32.
BAI Y,SONG S,ZHU B W,et al. The effect of NaCl on the interaction between Tween 20 and sodium alginate[J]. Journal of Light Industry, 2022,37(1):26-32.
王光路, 张帆, 周忆菲, 等. 枯草芽孢杆菌甘油激酶编码基因定点突变提升甘油利用水平的研究[J]. 轻工学报, 2020, 35(6): 1-8.
WANG G L, ZHANG F, ZHOU Y F, et al. Effect of site-specific mutagenesis of glycerol kinase coding gene on the glycerol utilization of Bacillus subtilis[J]. Journal of Light Industry, 2020, 35(6): 1-8.
胡海艳, 甘祥武, 黄秀敏, 等. 基于易错PCR的β-甘露聚糖酶体外分子定向进化研究[J]. 轻工学报, 2020, 35(4): 8-15.
HU H Y, GAN X W, HUANG X M, et al. Study on directed evolution of β-mannanase in vitro by error-prone PCR[J]. Journal of Light Industry, 2020, 35(4): 8-15.
魏涛, 赵彩梦, 郏未未, 等. 果糖基转移酶AoFT在毕赤酵母中的表达与纯化及其酶学性质研究[J]. 轻工学报, 2020, 35(3): 1-10.
WEI T, ZHAO C M, JIA W W, et al. Expression and purification of fructosyl transferase AoFT in Pichia pastoris and study on its enzymatic properties[J]. Journal of Light Industry, 2020, 35(3): 1-10.
马伟东, 李硕, 王晨晨, 等. 常见植物真菌性病害拮抗酵母菌的筛选与鉴定[J]. 轻工学报, 2020, 35(3): 11-18.
MA W D, LI S, WANG C C, et al. Screening and identification of common plant fungal disease antagonistic yeast [J]. Journal of Light Industry, 2020, 35(3): 11-18.
张俊杰, 郭晨, 彭姗姗, 等. 7个福建茶树品种的遗传多样性分析及其分子指纹图谱构建[J]. 轻工学报, 2020, 35(3): 19-27.
ZHANG J J, GUO C, PENG S S, et al. Analysis of genetic diversity of 7 tea plant varieties from Fujian and construction of their molecular fingerprints[J]. Journal of Light Industry, 2020, 35(3): 19-27.